I knew Pink Floyd, and you Mr. Roger Waters, are NOT Pink Floyd!

by Doug
Pink Floyd has long been one of my favorite bands. Their music is to this day unique and timeless. My kids like them as much as I do, therefore they "bridge the generation gap."
When I heard that Roger Waters was coming to town, I knew we had to go. While not actually Pink Floyd, seeing the former bassist and songwriter/sometimes singer from the band would be the next best thing. Given the progression of time, I figured that this may be the last chance to see any remaining vestige of my long time favorite band with my children. We’ve had the tickets for several months.
Guess what? It wasn’t worth the wait! Putting the politics aside for a moment (why can’t they just "shut up and sing?"), the Roger Waters concert was a disappointment of monumental proportions. The first set contained several songs from one of my personal favorite Floyd albums, Wish You Were Here. They weren’t too bad at first, but the more it went on, the more I asked myself, "Is it live, or is it Memorex?"
When I saw the David Gimour/Pink Floyd tour some 10-15 years back, it was an awesome musical event. Everything was performed on stage by the musicians. When performing the Dark Side of the Moon set, everthing was live- including the famous madcap’s laugh. Fast forward to last night’s Roger Waters performance, and one might question whether any of it was live. Every song sounded EXACTLY as they do on the albums- nothing special- no extended solos. Nothing. Last night, I could have stayed home, played a Pink Floyd album, added audience noise (and barf on the seats) and simulated exactly the performance I witnessed for some 75 bucks.
The disappointing "performance" was bad enough. When playing "Dogs" from my favorite Floyd album, Animals, a large pig balloon was released. Pretty cool, right? Just like the old days of Pink Floyd, right?

Well, not really. Painted on both sides were the words, "Save your bacon. Vote for Democrats this election." The movie screen behind the stage flashed George Bush images- not portraying him in a good light for sure. Then came the images of the bad "wall." Some of the Berlin Wall. Then, images of the wall Israel has built to stop the homicide bombers- portrayed to be the moral equivalent of the Berlin Wall. Then he sang a new "song" called "Leaving Beirut". It is all about how wonderful the Arab people are, and how WE are the cause of  the problems in that area of the world.
I should have left the concert early on, instead of staying to the bitter end. When I left, not only was I totally pissed off about the fact that much of the "music" was obviously tape, I was angry about having anti-American sentiments shoved in my face- and am now convinced that Roger Waters stands as a good example of the rebirth of European anti-semitism.
Sometimes fond memories of people and events from times past are best left that way- memories. I will continue to listen to my collection of Pink Floyd and Roger Waters music- but will save money in the future by not going to any more of his "live" performances (Democratic rallies) and will not be purchasing any new "music" he might put forth.
What a disappointment!


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