These people must stay awake late thinking this stuff up…

by Doug
LOCAL NEWS ALERT***- Yes this piece is about the town in which I live. I still think many readers will find it relevant, because one finds big spenders with no thought or consideration for the hapless taxpayers in EVERY town and hamlet across America.
Is there no end to the things that municipalities and school districts must have? Every time I go to look at a newspaper, I find myself hesitating, wondering if I really need (or want) to know what I’m about to read. What will be the latest "scheme" that our "leaders" will concoct? At times, one wonders how late these people must lie awake at night dreaming this stuff up.
Today, in The Citizen newspaper, I find out that the current sports playing fields are inadequate and must be redone in artificial turf…
The conversation moved to a discussion over the possible development of a "synthetic" multipurpose athletic field. The hope is to use the synthetic field as a varsity field, preferable located in the village area.
I walked through the fields in question just last night. They seemed to me to be some of the finest sporting areas I have ever seen. But, for the elites of my town, of course they are not good enough…
Currently there is a community football field located at the Meadows just off Route 11B. However there are more athletic fields in the planning stages for the site. Plans include two soccer fields, a lacrosse field, a baseball field, and a new football field.
The big spenders can never have too much… cause it’s "for the kids!" (and the engineers, architects, and well-connected contractors)
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