The July 9th Concord Monitor reports (hat tip- John H)
Kinney O’Rourke, co-owner of the Black Cat Café in Laconia, is a lifelong Democrat. But after he learned Jim Fitzgerald would challenge Sen. Robert Boyce in a Republican primary, O’Rourke changed his status so he could vote for Fitzgerald.
While anybody is free to do this, it still doesn’t set well with me. The purpose of a primary is for the party members and adherants to select a candidate who will represent them in the general election. The problem, of course, is that in these parts, Democrats don’t fare very well in elections. Therefore, they run as Republicans. Most of us in the know call them R.I.N.O.s- Republican In Name Only.
Jim Fitzgerald is certainly more "Republican" than some, but he is not a rock-ribbed conservative right winger like the incumbent Boyce. The Monitor piece accurately describes Boyce’s lack of accessability but it also correctly reports on his voting record- very solidly conservative. On the face, one might conclude that the primary challenger may not be that different from Boyce in how he represents the district in the NH Senate. That would be the wrong assumption to make. The Monitor article helpfully, in addition to the O’Rourke changes party angle, reports on some of the challenger’s supporters. Besides flaming liberal O’Rourke switching parties to support Fitzgerald, Alida Millham and John Thomas, RINO and almost RINO respectively, seem to enthusiastically support him as well. Why would that be, if the challenger is nearly as conservative as those interviewed by the Monitor claim him to be?
Click here to read the whole article, which is very informative and accurate. Oh, and Kinney, why don’t you just stay in your own party- we don’t want your kind here… you too Alida!