Democrat Vision: “A New Era of Braveness Internationally”

Consider the nightmare vision, as presented by House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi as she addressed the 97th annual NAACP convention July 18th:
Democrats are proposing a New Direction to take our country forward for all Americans, not just the privileged few. And when we do take back the Congress, the Congressional Black Caucus will lead the way to the change that is necessary for our nation.
Just picture this, on the very first day of Congress, under the leadership of the Chairman of the Democratic Caucus, Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, we will pass an Honest Leadership, Open Government package to restore integrity, civility and accountability to Congress and the American people. That will be the first order of business and Jim Clyburn is the leader working on that package.
The first legislative piece of business will be led by Congressman Bennie Thompson of Mississippi, who will be the Chair of the Homeland Security Committee. He will say that our first priority is to make America safer, and we intend to begin by passing legislation that will implement the 9/11 Commission recommendations, and giving our first responders what they need to keep America’s neighborhoods and homes in our country safe.
And then, under the leadership of Congressman Charlie Rangel, as Chair of the Ways and Means Committee, Democrats will make our economy more fair. We will begin by giving America a raise by passing an increase in the minimum wage. We will remove tax incentives for corporations to send jobs oveseas, and Charlie Rangel will lead us.
Another place where a New Direction is needed is with the war in Iraq. We must change the direction there. We must insist on the truth there. The war in Iraq has exacted a terrible cost on the United States: in lives lost and shattered; in the readiness of our armed forces; in our standing in the eyes of the world; and in our ability to do the kind of daily diplomatic work necessary to prevent crises from developing.
This is a very difficult time in the world. You can’t turn on the TV without seeing death and destruction. I don’t come here to point fingers, I come here to extend the hand for all of us to work together to take us in a New Direction, in a new era of braveness internationally.
Click here for more of the scary details. I can’t wait for the "new era of braveness." And what does she mean by this "new era", anyway? Compared to what- the "old epoch of cowardice" of, say, John Kerry, Jack Murtha, et al? Charlie Rangle is going to make the economy "more fair?" This is why, no matter how bad the Republicans may be, even on their worst day, for the most part, they don’t hold a candle to the moonbats with the most seniority in the Democratic party. These people must be stopped!


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