“They came in twos and threes…”

by Doug

As the debate rages on over whether to grant “amnesty” to those persons having violated US laws as their first act on our sovereign soil, the question of securing the border completely remains unsolved. To be sure, improvements are being made, but the end result continues to be a porous border. Like water, as certain points and locations are sealed, new paths of slight resistance will open up, allowing the flow to continue unchecked. Inexplicably, many politicians and “leaders” fail to see any need to rectify a situation whereby laws that they themselves created regarding immigration to the United States are being ignored wholesale. Most ordinary Americans don’t understand why our borders can’t be defended and protected.

“Oh, Doug. There you go- being an anti-Hispanic bigot!” Huh? Who said anything about being “anti-Hispanic?” I am simply anti- ILLEGAL immigration- or to put it more plainly, anti- INTRUSION. It is my firm belief that in the post 9-11 world, we cannot allow completely unknown persons entry to the homeland undetected. As I have often stated, this is one of the main reasons we even have a government- As the Constitution says, it was created to “establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” With an enemy bent on our total destruction, we must defend ourselves, or there may be no “posterity.” I contend that politicians standing in the way of complete border security violate their oaths of defending the Constitution- including President Bush.

The problem is quite simple: While the vast majority of illegals crossing the border are coming only to find work and betterment for themselves, it stands to reason that there can be some “bad apples” mixed in. Doesn’t this seem an easy way for enemies sworn to our destruction to get here? Does it seem so implausible to imagine a few terrorists here and there, mixed in and hidden by the sheer numbers of persons streaming into America?

In the famous ancient Chinese text, “The Art of Warfare”, Sun-Tzu writes, “The ultimate skill in taking up a strategic position is to have no form. If your position is formless, the most carefully concealed spies will not be able to get a look at it, and the wisest counselors will not be able to lay plans against it.” The classic military guidebook reminds the reader that, “Warfare is the art of deceit. Therefore, when able, seem to be unable; when ready, seem unready; when nearby, seem far away; and when far away, seem near. …Attack where he is not prepared; go by way of places where it would never occur to him you would go.”

Consider these words of Osama bin Laden from his 1996 “Declaration of War Against the Americans”: “Due to the imbalance of power between our armed forces and the enemy forces, a suitable means of fighting must be adopted i.e using fast moving light forces that work under complete secrecy. In other words, to initiate a guerrilla warfare,
where the sons of the nation, and not the military forces, take part in it. And as you know, it is wise, in the present circumstances, for the armed military forces not to be engaged in a conventional fighting with the forces of the crusader enemy (the exceptions are the bold and the forceful operations carried out by the members of the armed forces individually,
that is without the movement of the formal forces in its conventional shape and hence the responses will not be directed, strongly, against the army).” Sounds familiar.

“Oh, but Doug- we are the United States- how could he really hurt us? These people you call the ‘enemy’ live in caves, for crying out loud! We need to keep the borders open so that we can get people here to do all those jobs Americans won’t do! It’s good for the economy!” What’s really amazing is that people can hold such views given the 9-11 attacks- but there are plenty who do. “But,” they say, “other than a lucky shot like what happened September 11th, they can’t REALLY do much more.”

The website “Digger History” writes about a not so insignificant piece of the infamous January 1968 Tet Offensive: “While the world was watching the drama unfolding at Khe Sanh, however, NVA and VC regulars were also drifting into Saigon, Hue, and most of South Vietnam’s cities. They came in twos and threes, disguised as refugees, peasants, workers, and ARVN soldiers on holiday leave. In Saigon, roughly the equivalent of five battalions of NVA/VC gradually infiltrated the city without anyone informing or any of the countless security police taking undue notice. Weapons came separately in flower carts, jury-rigged coffins, and trucks apparently filled with vegetables and rice. There was also a VC network in Saigon and the other major cities which had long stockpiled stores of arms and ammunition drawn from hit-and-run raids or bought openly on the black-market. It was also no secret that VC drifted in and out of the cities to see relatives and on general leave from their units. Viet Cong who were captured during the pre Tet build up were mistaken for regular holiday-makers or deserters. In the general pattern of the New Year merry-makers, the VC’s secret army of infiltrators went completely unnoticed.” Must history repeat itself before we learn?



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