Philip Haney DHS

Philip Haney’s Mysterious Death

America has become a place of mysterious mass shootings, (Las Vegas), daytime assassinations without any motive (Seth Rich), and the murder of Philip Haney that was ruled as a suicide.

Philip Haney DHS

Phil Haney Didn’t Kill Himself

Former DHS Terrorism expert Phil Haney didn’t kill himself. He was murdered. Assassinated, according to our friend Jim Simpson, who knew him well – taken from the world weeks before an exciting new marriage, and the release of another book.

biden-fail-2 Peter Doucy Conservative Treehouse

Friday Meme Overflow

Once more, thanks to Steve for carrying Wednesdays.  Hopefully my crazy life settles down soon and I can get back to Wednesday as well.

World Towers attacked

The Myth of War on Terror

Since the tragic events of 9-11-2001, tens of thousands of books and articles have been written about this enigmatic ideology: Islam. There have been too many definitions by Islamic scholars of exactly what Islam means.