VT “republican” Gov. Phil Scott Makes Sununu Look like Frikkin’ Reagan

Don’t get too excited by the title. I’m not saying Sununu is Reagan. I’m saying that Vermont’s ‘republican’ governor should be kicked out of the Republican party. And not just because he just bought in on impeaching the president.

He’s a crazy liberal registered a Republican. And it’s obvious his case of TDS is so bad he can’t read, or, more likely he is just all-in on pandering for the left-wing vote.

Which is stupid. 

Everyone knows that given a choice between a fake Democrat and a real one the left picks the bonafide Marxist douche. 

Even Sununu wasn’t a reliable vote for Planned Parenthood funding. He rejected it once. Once.

Sununu is not good on the cultural issues. He’s harpooned women’s privacy, (probably) ruined girls’ sports – or at least violated Title IX – and happily created SJW commissions whose only reason for living is to create fishers in our speech and religious rights they can then stuff full of BS until we’re off to the Supreme Court for redress.

But Scott. We’ve got Democrats in New Hampshire who would look at him and say, Comrade!

Here’s a massive chunk of text from American Thinker to give you a feel for how “not Republican” this guy is.

The schism in Vermont was evident in the 2018 midterms, when large swaths of conservatives abandoned the Vermont polls in disgust with Phil Scott’s outspoken support for sweeping gun law restrictions that he had specifically promised he would oppose.  Yet Phil Scott won handily, as many centrist Vermonters were not quite ready for his progressive transgender opponent.  The Busy (Helping the Liberals) Beaver Scott credits his broad popularity for his win, but polls show he is supported inversely to his party affiliation: 56% of Democrats approve of him versus 15% of Republicans.  If ever there was a RINO (Republican In Name Only) beaver governor Phil Scott is that creature.

Meanwhile, Vermont’s progressives fancy that their sweep of House and Senate seats in 2018 was due to their construction skills (of government programssanctuary statusBlack Lives Matter flags in public schools, cannabis legalization, committees to call all Vermonters racistsgun control schemes, etc.).  In misplaced confidence in a nonexistent voter mandate, these progressive beavers grew especially busy in 2019, constructing muddy extremist laws to ensconce abortion through the third trimester and preparing to enact ambitious carbon taxesminimum wage hikes, business regulations, and other government-expanding dams to liberty and commerce.

But then Phil Scott did something that poked a hole in his whole damn dam.  He signed that extremist abortion protection law, and boasted about it.  Third-trimester abortions?  Per Governor Scott, he always felt that this should be a decision made between a patient and her doctor.  Of course, even a woodchuck can see that by the time a baby is nearing delivery, that doctor has a second patient (acknowledged as “a compelling state interest” in Roe v. Wade).  And this is when Phil Scott placed the full weight of a RINO on that frail illusion of “support.”  Presumably, RINO Phil believed that pandering to his progressive base by signing the abortion bill would ensure his re-election, but the Vermont Democrats are hardly going to reward Phil with another liberal reign.  Like sharks, they circle to take him down in 2020.

He’s a democrat with an (R) after his name. And as noted above, Phil is kissing the left’s backside for a seat on the impeach him trolley. Also known as a seat at the table to watch the end of due process as we know it.

Governor Scott said that Congress has a “solemn responsibility” to pursue its role in the checks and balances in impeachment proceedings. He couched his call for starting the impeachment process by cautioning Congress that the process is serious and “should not be taken lightly or abused.”

Too late. The original charge of collusion was a lie. Obstruction is a lie. The Ukraine thing is another lie. And it’s long past three-ring circus time. Adam Schiff Opened his circus “serious hearing” with an SNL monologue of what he thinks the transcript meant. 

In other words, you’re guilty, and this is a formality, no actual evidence will have weight. We already decided.

America had best be paying attention. They are doing this to a sitting president. What do you think they’ll do to you if you piss them off by which I mean you already have. If they are playing nice, it is also a lie to get your vote. Once they are in power, you’re in the sh*t bin with the rest of us.

| Hot Air

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