IPCC Admits Paris Agreement Isn’t Going to Do What they Said

Steve MacDonald
Source: Bjorn Lomborg -Impact of Current Climate Proposals DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12295
Source: Bjorn Lomborg -Impact of Current Climate Proposals DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.12295

The Paris Climate Agreement is a paper tiger everyone raced to embrace, not because it would do something but because it could be sold as appearing to do something; with ample sides of fawning press coverage, photo ops, and the domestic burnishing of the “slightly” tarnished legacy of a man-child president.

But all that hype and praise was for naught but the egos of world leaders and the pockets of climate mountebanks because Mr. Trump, Bjorn Lomborg, our humble little shop, and others were right. Paris is a joke.

It would waste billions for next to nothing.

If every country involved in those accords abides by their pledges between now and 2030 — which is a dubious proposition — temperatures will still rise by 3 degrees C by 2100. 

It’s so bad it is not even a half measure.

The list of what would need to be done by 2020 — a little over two years from now — includes: Boosting renewable energy’s share to 30%. Pushing electric cars to 15% of new car sales, up from less than 1% today. Doubling mass transit use. Cutting air travel CO2 emissions by 20%. And coming up with $1 trillion for “climate action.”

Oh, and coal-fired power plants would have to be phased out worldwide, starting now.

According to the report, “phasing out coal consumption … is an indispensable condition for achieving international climate change targets.” 

So the solution to the so-called problem of global warming is to screw brown people out of second or first world futures that only abundant, affordable energy can provide.

Climate alarmists are racists.

They are also communist/globalists who have yet to produce a climate model that can predict anything except that they need more money, and could you please do something about questioning our methods, motivations, and conclusions. And here’s where things get a bit ironic.

In a world where we accept the consensus argument and use government force to both silence dissent and prohibit debate, the truth about Paris never needs to see the light of day. The complicit media continues to sell the “party line” while the politicians and bureaucrats go about tweaking the milking machine to draw more resources away from the productive sectors of the economy to cover up their fraud.

If you’re not sure what that is or how it ends look south my friends to the land of Venezuela, a once wealthy and prosperous country. An oil-rich country with talented people, natural resources, and huge potential. Milked to death by the same worldview that whispers in the ears of Climate Mayors, warmists, and the folks at the DNC who rig elections in their party.

The desire to lie, deceive, defraud, and deny comes from the same rotten roots.

Their political model of preference is as flawed as the computer models they use to cry wolf about the climate. It serves but one purpose. To force their will upon you and make you pay for the privilege.

Which sounds a lot like Harvey Weinstein, now that I think about it. Another figure who epitomizes the virtue signaling hypocrisy of the left.

And people still wonder how Donald Trump won.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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