Democracy Spring – MOBS disrupt, democracies reason

by Skip

democracyspringUnless of course, you are using the language and definitions of the Left which at that point, democracy = mobs under the Left’s control.  And certainly, the Democracy Spring march, in which NH Rebellion is participating, is all that and more:

Washington, beware: Democracy Spring is officially on its way to “reclaim the People’s House.”

So declared Kai Newkirk, Democracy Spring’s campaign director, who spoke to Breitbart News on Saturday while the movement marched outside the city limits of Philadelphia. “We are going to disrupt business as usual until our demands are reached,” stated Newkirk.

The coalition of far-left groups plotting mass civil disobedience, with thousands pledging to risk arrest, launched its operation on Saturday at Liberty Bell in Philadelphia’s Independence Mall.

Now, let’s go back in time when the TEA Party rallies started –they grew organically.  Small at first but they grew rapidly, the one thing that was clear was that our rallies were peaceful, attended by law abiding citizens, and the emphasis was changing government by talking with their elected representatives and when they failed to live up to the three principles we espoused (e.g., Fiscal frugality, Government to live within its Constitutional boundaries, and Free Markets), voted them out.  We NEVER threatened anyone with violence, never stridently said that we’d break laws, and never made demands and do the “or else” schtick.  We wanted Government to back down its intrusiveness, its cost, and return to its original boundaries on what it can and cannot do.

Also, our rally events were generally cleaner after they left then when they arrived.

None of which, I expect, will be the hallmarks of the Democracy Spring efforts – think of it more like Occupy Wall Street and the chaos and crime it brought on steroids. Frankly, I think they want to recreate OWS along with Chicago 1968 all the while trying to hide under DEMOCRACY!

Newkirk vowed: “If by the time we get to DC, Congress doesn’t respond to our demands then we will sit in and nonviolently reclaim the People’s House and they will have to make a choice between listening to the vast majority of the people who want them to take action against corruption and big money in politics or arresting us all and having us sent to jail.”

“And we want to send a message that the American people are not going to accept inaction in the face of this corruption any longer, and everyone who wants to hold office needs to take a side either with the people or against us.”

…For those in Washington who side against the people, Newkirk warned, “there will be a price to pay in the streets, in their offices, at the polls and …everywhere.”

I have major doubts about vast majority of the people claim but I have no doubts that they actually relish breaking the laws so as to having us sent to jail.  If that is their wish, grant it. And NH Rebellion, that group that wants to limit political Free Speech (just like the Democrats and Socialists) will be a part of it.  And that bit about in their offices, at the polls and …everywhere” really sounds like a threat that really isn’t all that non-violent.  It is one thing to concentrate on the polls but the Left has made it personal when you disagree with them and their policies and as we have seen, they are not shy about literally punishing people personally, professionally, in their businesses, and in their communities.  Putting people out of office is just a benefit.

I prophesy that Democracy Spring facade that they are portraying now will not be the Granny D type of march that NH Rebellion is fantasizing about.

No, this does not bode well for you see, the Left makes themselves to be seen to be moderate – until their end goal is reached or they see they are being repelled (and if nothing else, the Left is repulsive).  And it will have nothing to do with the Constitution.

(H/T: Big Government)

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