They Are The Fascists

The US State Department and a short list of named co-conspirators are being sued for “engaging with and promoting censorship technology designed to bankrupt domestic media outlets with disfavored political opinions.”

It asks the court “to declare the State Department’s attempt to interfere with domestic speech illegal and to permanently bar it from developing, promoting, or encouraging bothers to use technology to de-amplify, shadow ban, or restrict “the lawful speech of the American press and Americans.”

Similar charges are mucking about the Judicial branch in cases against the FBI, CIA, and others. Still, anyone who hints at the shadows of penumbras of a conspiracy gets a tinfoil hat. They say there is no coordinated war within our government against the First Amendment. It is about public safety, about truth.

Generations of the product of public education mills have made people too stupid to know what they should know, and the government is here to help, which seems like a good time to share a quote from Albert J. Knock.

Like all predatory or parasitic institutions, its first instinct is that of self-preservation. All its enterprises are directed first towards preserving its own life, and, second, towards increasing its own power and enlarging the scope of its own activity. For the sake of this it will, and regularly does, commit any crime which circumstances make expedient.

The State Department asked that the case be dismissed (probably because they believe you would have to be stupid to sue them), but US District Judge Jeremy D. Kernodle denied the motion.

“Congress shall make no law … abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press,” the order begins. “This provision enshrines ‘[o]ur profound national commitment to the free exchange of ideas.’ … Indeed ‘[i]f there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.’”

And while the plaintiffs may succeed, this is not a cure for what ails us. The problem is deeply rooted in the thing of which we on the right are so often accused: fascism.

Those of us fighting for free speech are labeled fascists, and yet it is they who are invested with corporate titans to control the production and dissemination of “information.” They are likewise aligned with giants in the financial sectors to control bank loans and investment – and increasingly in energy, health care, and now food and farming. Using force to affect a partisan interest that not coincidentally decreases access, individual liberty, and the ability to speak out against these transitions. That’s fascism, defended by speech-stifling anti-fascists (Like Antifa) whose end game is to get the burgeoning statist fascism to take one more step to the left. From the current information syndicalism cum modern Fascism to government ownership of not just the means of production but of all property, including your body, speech, and thought.< A state wherein the will of the bureaucracy is the law, a wall behind which the fascist politicians who enabled them may hide, claiming all along that they agree there is a problem, and as soon as you re-elect them, they'll pretend to do something about it.  

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