NH Democrats Stand Firmly Against Women’s Rights

Earlier this week, the Senate Education Committee heard testimony on HB1205, which would require schools to designate athletics by sex and prohibit biological males from participating in female athletics. This bill further creates various causes of action based on violations of its provisions.

There was a great deal of testimony from both sides of this issue, but one thing we can see is, this issue has become partisan. Democrats are standing against girls and women, and Republicans are standing with them. It’s as if Democrats forgot the history of the women’s movement.

WMUR covered the hearing here. You can see how Republicans, and myself, spoke to some of the concerns for girls who have been injured by the males who identify as females. Representative Hope Damon (D), at the end, says that we (women and girls) need to learn to lose. Who says that in 2024? Women are sick of being told to sit down and shut up.

Title IX was established to give girls some of the same opportunities as males, to compete and win scholarships and awards. All of that is under attack when biological males are allowed to compete in women’s sports.

You can see from this video how girls in one Massachusetts school were thrown to the ground by a trans athlete during a basketball game.

Senator Suzanne Prentiss (D) doesn’t seem to understand that the injuries these girls are sustaining are far worse when they come from a biological male.

Other states are moving to pass legislation that protects girls and women, and their sports.

This would be a good time to send an email to ALL of The New Hampshire Senators and ask them to protect women’s sports and their privacy in the locker room and restrooms. Senators New Hampshire <Senators@leg.state.nh.us>
You can also find your senator here.

It’s unfortunate that this has become partisan, with the Democrats standing against fairness and the rights of women and girls in New Hampshire. It’s up to us to remind them that they need to do the right thing.



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