Part 1: So, NH Republican Leadership, the Medicaid Expansion “fix” was in from the get-go, huh?

by Skip

“Rep. LaChance’s bill is the train that’s going to leave the station,” Bradley said.

But you were the Conductor of this bait and switch.  So pious in the beginning and now the self-appointed Republican Savior for the Democrat Agenda.  I rue the day I helped you run against “Bathroom Bud” in that special election; you lied to me in presenting yourself as someone you aren’t.  So, how is it that you are different from the Democrats?  Oh, it’s just a little smaller and you can run it a bit better? Or the REAL reason:

Many on both sides of the aisle know continuing Medicaid expansion is critical to not only the fight to stem the tide of rampant opioid addiction washing over New Hampshire but also to political control of the Legislature.

Throwing 45,000 working poor off medical insurance has a high political price and the Republican legislative leadership knows that.

Right.  Adopt the Democrat argument that you first had to do this because the Dems’ version would have been much worse, and now use the Dems’ argument of “OH! HOW could we take away this [free] thing from so many people” with the sub-audible reason never stated:

“Because if we tried, we wouldn’t be legislators anymore” – political standing over “doing the right thing as a Republican protecting the Republican Principles”.  But I digress from the real thrust of this post – what NH State Rep. Joe LaChance knew and didn’t want to be upfront about – the Fiscal Note.  There is a Fiscal Note that is associated with every bill – it outlines what a piece of legislation is going to cost – the State, Counties, and the local towns.

Sidenote: the politicians are ALWAYS talking about “cost-shifting”; which level of government is going to bear the cost of paying for something.  Frankly, it’s nothing more than a shill game – NONE of them pay for it: you and I, the individual taxpayers, pay the bills in the end.  And I do mean that we DO pay it in the end.

And for NH State Rep. Joe LaChance’s version of “Let’s do the Time Warp agaaaaaain”, the Fiscal Note for his reauthorization of Obamacare’s Medicaid Expansion has some whale of a cost:

ME Fiscal Note

Let’s get down to the summary, though, shall we? Remember, we have been told, over and over, that “this will not cost NH taxpayers more”.  Well, they have to be lying – because math don’t lie.  Any time something costs more (that last line), somebody has to ante up more and that last line is what NH is going to have to pay.  Read it left to right.  Now look at the percentage increases:

ME Fiscal Note Summary

A triple digit increase, a double digit the next, and then an even larger double digit increase – 354% increase in just 4 years.  Seriously, these Republicans think this is “frugal government?  And it just came out of the relevant committee 17-1 to pass and in this session, remember, Republicans control the committee.

So these folks KNOW that this is going up in cost gangbusters.  And that would include NH State Rep. Joe LaChance.  How can this be a Conservative value when it walks, talks, and quacks like a Democrat Socialist one?  How can it be a Conservative value when we KNOW, at $19 Trillion in Federal national debt and the Feds are already mumering about lowering the percentage paid to the States?

How can it be a Republican value to outright lie to voters knowing that the cost is actually going to be MUCH higher as more people get attracted to “Hey, it’s FREE!” even as the Federal share is already scheduled to drop from its current 95% down to 90% and you can see how much more money we will have to ante up.

And full well, NH State Rep. Joe LaChance (R-Manchester) knows it.  A Republican would have said no, it expands cost of government (and these numbers DON’T include State Administrative costs.

And also remember, NH State Rep. Joe LaChance was the guy who said he was going to EXPOSE Grokster Susan; instead, consider the tables turned.  Because we do have Big Flashlights.

I do wonder, what WAS that quid quo pro he settled for?




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