Night Cap: Try This Simple “Trick” to Make Democrats Lose Their Tiny Narrow Minds

It doesn’t take much to twist the panties of the average all-in-leftist. Fragile is an understatement. They are tightly wound emotional time bombs with more triggers than a gun store. Speaking of which, if you’d like to see them snap like a dry twig, cut a school budget, or add this optional funding for public schools.

Wyoming school districts that want to store firearms in their schools and train staff how to use them would get $10,000 each to help pay for it under a bill moving through the state House.

The House’s Education Committee on Monday voted to forward Senate File 86 to the House floor. The committee also agreed to boost funding from $100,000 to $480,000 — enough to provide each Wyoming school district with $10,000.

That sum is chump change (estimates are you need at least 25K to properly train one school staff on gun safety and proper tactics), and supporters admit that, but they see this as a way to get things started. A little fiscal jump start on a cold Wyoming  morning. Encourage them to find additional funds or to even consider that if you have armed staff, and these days it makes sense to do that, professional training lowers liability costs and you’re might deter FBI proxies from using your school to advance the Left’s gun control agenda.

Training and storage of proper fierams at schools?

I can hear twigs snapping, but wait, there’s more! “House Bill 125, … would repeal gun-free zones in Wyoming schools.” You would still need a carry permit to enter school grounds armed, but that’s a requirement of federal law and one of the few good reasons to get a carry license or permit (the other being reciprocity).

In New Hampshire, you don’t need a permit to carry open or concealed, but you do need one if you find yourself armed on school property. That’s not advice. The federal allowance for this has never been tested in our state (to my knowledge), but on paper, if you have a carry permit or license on you and have a firearm on you or in your vehicle and you need to pick up a kid at school, that’s not illegal.

It shouldn’t be illegal. Law-abiding citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, but in all instances, that’s your call, knowing that the injustice system likes to make examples of people even if they just bankrupt someone on the way to losing their case.

And keep in mind that your state probably won’t step in to defend you unless it is very red and very pro-gun. New Hampshire is pro-gun (at the moment), but I have zero faith that our local or state “officials” in the justice department would get between any of us and an out-of-control federal prosecutor. None. And that is entirely on them. State funding of firearms training so adults can carry and protect students and staff in most states? Not likely. So good for you, Wyoming – which already allows armed staff with mandatory training.

If you are looking for some extra money to help fund training, fire a diversity official and defund their office. That’s easily 125K to start (give the extra back to the taxpayers). If you don’t have those, don’t hire one and fire some other overpaid, useless administrator, starting with the ones who object to training and arming staff. Yes, you can fire more than one.

Every district has a plethora of dead weight “middle managers” who make teaching more difficult and less effective. You could end up with safer schools and kids who can read, and what’s not great about that?



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