Pre-War “Concentration Camp” Gaza

It isn’t Zionists conflating Hamas with Gaza civilians. It’s the “pro-Palestinians.” ~ Elder Of Ziyon – Israel News

Video from the above link – RTWT:


Come Visit Gaza!



Another video – not sure of the provenance; I’ve been told this is atypical for the typical Gazan but still worth seeing:



Remember that Gaza journalist who misses life in pre-war Gaza?

Gaza journalist misses pre-Oct 7 Gaza (

Breezy terraces with what appears to be an excellent ambiance.  Beaches with people enjoying the sea.  And take a look at these market pictures.

Where is this open-air prison I keep hearing about?









Here’s another video with material from just before Oct. 7:



Another collection of marketplace stills:



Can anyone please tell me how the above align with either Open Air Prison or Concentration Camp?  Do concentration camps have spin classes, theme parks, and hotels?

Gaza Strip’s Arabs enjoy spin classes, fine dining, private beaches, theme parks, luxury hotels | JTF

Or plastic surgery?  Or obesity, particularly among women?  And a bunch more info here:

Pre-October 7th terror attack on Israel by Hamas, Palestinian Arabs and their useful idiots in the West accused Israel of turning Gaza into a “concentration camp” a.k.a. “the world’s largest open air prison” (

Including a “cat café” and horseback riding lessons????  The above post also has an assortment of videos showing the horrific deprivations in Gaza.  And some videos pulled from a prior post of mine here:

Shopping mall opens in Gaza (

Ramadan: Gaza’s green markets are alive with colour (

First luxurious resort opens in Gaza Strip (

Gaza City 2022 | Palestine | Cities Around the Globe |Travels with Imam (

A Stroll Through Gaza | Islamic Relief Canada (

Gaza Palestine 🇵🇸 Walking Tour | Gaza Strip Before The Attack 2023 | فلسطين غزة (




Not one bomb would have fallen either.  All the buildings in the “before” part of these picture-pairs would still be as they were.  NONE of these “before” images comport with either open air prison or concentration camp.  None.













Concentration camp?  Nope.

Open air prison?  Nope.

Weep at the loss of the Gaza that could have been…





So let me wrap up with a picture of people in a REAL concentration camp:



You DO see the difference, don’t you?

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