White Women Hit Hardest as Infant Mortality Rises for the First Time in Two Decades

Last March, I suggested that Planned Parenthood sue Pfizer for infringing on its monopoly. Killing children is big business, but the CDC and FDA had stepped in with their miscarriage vaccine.


In January 2022, one report suggested a 279% increase in miscarriages. This past week Dr. Simone Gold from America’s Frontline Doctors tweeter the number 4070%. That’s increased miscarriages. I have no idea where she got the figure, but any number over none is tragic and bad for Planned Parenthood.

That alleged vaccine is cutting into their business. Unexpected pregnancy? Get a COIVD booster. And make sure they mark your passport. After five of those things, if you are still alive, you can get the sixth for free™. That’s a joke. They are all free™. Just ask the Federal Government. Ka-billions spent on doses almost no one wants anymore, but has DHS considered picking up the blood red phone to call Planned Parenthood?

Sorry, we encroached on your territory. Here’s some Ukraine Money.


It wasn’t just miscarriages. Infant mortality rose post-Jab-a-palooza for the first time in over two decades.


ABC News explains how unusual these increases in infant mortality are, as this has not happened for twenty years prior:

Although rates have been declining over the last several years, this marks the first year-to-year increase in more than two decades when the rate rose from 6.8 deaths per 1,000 in 2001 to 7.0 deaths in 2002.

Both infant mortality (deaths of children less than a year old) and neonatal mortality (deaths of infants under one month old) have increased.

The neonatal mortality rate — infant deaths at less than 28 days of life — also rose 3% from 3.49 per 1,000 live births in 2021 to 3.58 in 2022 and the postneonatal mortality rate — infant deaths between 28 and 364 days of life — grew 4% from 1.95 per 1,000 to 2.02 over the same period.

Babies didn’t need The Jab™ and Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA knew it wasn’t safe for pregnant moms. The Pfizer docs proved that. So, the only sensible explanation for promoting it was to kill kids. And it worked. Better than they could have hoped. White women lost more babies than any other demographic (minorities were conspicuously untrusting of the government’s insistence they line up for the treatment).

What could be better to guilty libs than fewer white people in the world?


For American Indian/Alaskan Native women, the rate increased from 7.46 infant deaths per 1,000 to 9.06 deaths in 2022. For white women, the rate rose from 4.36 per 1,000 to 9.06.


Infant mortality equity.

The next question we should ask the progressives is, where’s the mission accomplished banner?



HT | Igro Chudov

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