A sizable majority of Democrat National Committee members signed a resolution in support of the Iran ‘treaty‘.
The resolution was drafted with the intention of putting the national committee on record in support of the agreement as Congress prepares to take up the issue when members return from their August recess.
As a fallback, James Zogby, the co-chair of the Resolutions Committee, led a move to prepare a letter of support for the president and the Iran agreement that eventually gained signatures from a sizable majority of the members of the national committee. Zogby said Saturday that, in the end, this produced a satisfactory outcome.
Debbie Wassermann Schultz blocked consideration, either in deference to her own constituents or to keep any debate out of the media (as if the media would report that), but consider…
The Iran deal isn’t a deal it is capitulation to a terror state that openly promises a desire to kill anyone who opposes their agenda.
Their agenda us a gobal Ummah.
Iran wants a nuclear bomb to terrorize and or wipe out opponents of their agenda and nothing in this treaty stops or slows that progress.
A majority of Democrats support this capitulation.
Note: Every NH Democrat supports this capitulation to Iran unless they publicly claim otherwise (their rules not mine).
James Zogby, the co-chair of the DNC resolutions committee is Managing Director of Zogby Research Services, LLC, and runs a research institute that claims to represent the interest of Arab Americans.
In whose best interest is it that Persians in pursuit of regional hegemony have expanded financing resources, nuclear weapons and delivery systems? Not Arabs.
And how is more terrorism good for Arabs?
If the move opens up a Middle-East arms race how is that good for Arabs? How is it good for Arab Americans?
How is any of this good for Democrat Americans? If a portable “terrorist” bomb one day finds its way to US shores and is detonated, it will not be in fly-over country. It will be in a major American metropolis killing millions…of registered Democrat voters.