Ben & Jerry – Help us Sell the US Senate on ‘Ayatollah Bail-Out Brownie’

Food vs Iran nukesAre Ben and Jerry’s newest flavors Ayatollah Bail Out Brownie and Nuclear-Terrorist Nutty-Buddy?

This is Ben and Jerry—the co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream. We wrote you earlier this week and we’re writing one more time today to ask for your help to stop another disastrous, unnecessary Middle East war.

Right now we have an amazing opportunity to defend the Obama administration’s historic diplomatic deal to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons. And yet, some of the same warmongers who led us into Iraq want to sabotage this deal and put us on a path to war with Iran—and some Democrats are thinking about going along with them!

That’s not the leadership we need.

Because War!

Interesting leap. If we keep doing what we’ve been doing (letting Iran wage war on us and our allies through terrorist proxies while we do nothing about it) then that will lead to a war. But if we let them continue to wage war on us while we do nothing, remove sanctions, allow them access to hundred of billions of dollars in frozen assets, and the pursuit of even more devastating weapons of war, well–that will ensure peace.

And there’s no secret “flavor” called “Death to America.”

They have no intention of using nuclear technology to advance their militant 7th century global worldview on cultures they publicly abhor. Their pursuit of these weapons will not start a nuclear arms race among its neighbors because Peace!

Have you tried Ben & Jerry’s Appeasement Chunky Monkey? It’s to die for!


Quote c/o email begging blinder-wearing appeasement monkeys to convince US senators to let the global financier of the global-war-through-terror an easier path to first-strike there’s-no-war-if your-opponents-are-already-dead technology.

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