And Y’all Want Joyce Craig in Charge of This?

by Skip

A quick snippet from the UL’s Landrigan (Reformatted, emphasis mine):

…Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut’s term comes up a few months after the next governor takes office, which would give a Democrat the chance to quickly transition to new leadership. The next governor also will have enough appointments to secure a majority on the state Board of Education.

…Craig’s critics in this race no doubt will point to Manchester students’ poor scores on assessment tests.  In math, only 14% of Queen City students were proficient, compared to the statewide average of 38%. In reading scores tell a similar story, with 27% of Manchester students proficient compared to 52% of all New Hampshire youths.

She’s been Mayor and School Board El Effe for six years. She wants to be the NH Educator-in-Chief with THESE stinky results for the rest of us.

It’s also a damning indictment against the Manchester Teachers Union. After all, THEY are the ones that are responsible for churning out such poor products – the education of their children. Sure, “the pandemic,” but it’s not like it’s the only District that had to deal with it.

  • Math – so 86% of Manchester students can’t even do what is expected of them? 85%??
  • Reading – and a dismal 73% can’t read to grade.

Yet, this is the District that went to the NH Supreme Court to fight Parents having their Constitutional Right to a say in how their children are educated. Instead of Burger King’s “Have it YOUR way” in appealing to their customers, Manchester has said “OUR way or get lost.”

And Joyce Craig owns this as it happened during her watch.

So, New Hampshire Parents, do you want to yield that control over to her?


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