NHGOP Elites/Establishment Are Normalizing Autocracy

“Conservative media” in New Hampshire … Mikey Graham’s NH-NeverTrump Journal, Jack Heath’s radio show, Drew Cline’s radio show, etc., etc. … are primarily shills for the NHGOP elites (which they are a part of) and the NHGOP Establishment (of which they are also a part).

A recent post in NH-NeverTrump Journal shows that the elites/Establishment think it is normal for the judiciary to set education policy:



In the post linked to in the tweet, NH-NeverTrump Journal states:

Could the next 60 days see an end to New Hampshire’s school funding system as we know it?

Rockingham Superior Court Judge David Ruoff told lawyers Wednesday he is set to rule sometime in the next 60 days

… Ruoff initially ruled in ConVal’s favor, agreeing the state is not paying enough per pupil, but he left setting a particular amount to legislators. On appeal, the Supreme Court ruled Ruoff needed to hold a trial and set a specific dollar amount.

New Hampshire upped its per pupil adequacy grant this year to $4,100. But the plaintiffs in the ConVal case are looking for just short of $10,000 per pupil. Ruoff listened to weeks of testimony this year; his highly anticipated ruling is pending.

With approximately 160,000 students in the state’s K-12 public schools, a $10,000 adequacy payment would cost state taxpayers $1.6 billion yearly.

This definitely is NOT normal. How much to spend on public education and what taxes should fund that spending is questions of POLICY, not questions of law … and as such, are supposed to be decided at the ballot box, not in a courtroom. Yet NH-NeverTrump Journal, and by extension, the NHGOP elites and the NHGOP Establishment, think it is totally normal for the judiciary to usurp the democratic-process.

But no appeal to common sense, no amount of legal argumentation demonstrating yet again that the NH-judiciary’s education decisions are totally illegitimate will matter. If Judge Ruoff says $10,000 is the number required by our sacred constitution, the NHGOP elites/Establishment will once again sonorously proclaim that while they disagree with the decision, we must all respect the decision.

And then most everyone will fall in line … just like you wore your little masks, and kept to your six-foot “social distancing” and took your COVID “vaccines” … blithely ignorant to the fact that they are supporting autocracy, not the “rule of law,” by normalizing a blatant violation of the separation of powers.

And when the elites/Establishment tell them “only a constitutional amendment” can save us, they’ll repeat it as their mantra, blissfully unaware that what they are really saying is that judges get to rewrite the constitution as they see fit as long as they can get one-third of the voters to agree with the rewrite.


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