The Followers of the Leaders on the Left Have Been Deceived

In the past twenty years in the United States of America, we have witnessed a political ideology totally degenerate and warp into a cancerous, self-destructive, completely corrupted intersection of ideas that is essentially and totally a tool of foreign forces intent on obliterating what was once a great country.

Many threads compose the embroidered notion of what it means to be a liberal or a leftist today: the transgender movement, the warmongering forever-conflict enabling military brass, the black supremacists, the US Democrat Party radicalized politicians, the corporatists looking only at profits and not at people.

All the followers of the leaders on the left have been deceived. There are large groups of US citizens who honestly believe that there is no center right, that there is only the Democrat Party and alt-right, far-right fascists. They believe that the Republican Party is collectively and totally homophobic, racist, white supremacist, fascist,

The main progenitors and drivers of this movement are no longer sensible, reasonable US citizens. They are individuals who have gone completely and totally insane, either through holding positions of power illegally and extralegally, in the case of complicit U.S. Democrat Party politicians, or through being supported by a nanny state and a fabric of social media and smartphone-based signals empowering a sense of entitled-ness, in the case of the activists believing they are leading some self-righteous crusade. In many cases, it is this latter case that is the most dangerous– where the smartphone and our screens have been weaponized against us to lead us blindly toward a future of dystopian self-destruction and self-hate.

The left has been hijacked by transgenders, racists, warmongers, and corporatists in a vile concoction of death, self-harm, and total hatred. They trumpet their ideology through a globally syndicated network of left-leaning media that generally is controlled by a nefarious entrenched group of wealthy and wealth-seeking folks intent on promulgating discontent and malaise wherever it goes. They pray at the altar of Bill Gates, George Soros, and Klaus Schwab. The people in this network work for institutions with vaunted and prodigious pasts like CNN, Reuters, Bloomberg, NBC, ABC, and a collection of media companies with trendy branding. The ultimate infrastructure of these companies has been completely gutted so that the contemporary, present state is one that promotes this cancerous ideology.

No name is more obviously and totally representative of this reality than Rolling Stone Magazine, once an emblem of the West Coast counterculture and a favorite tabloid of those seeking the beautiful, easygoing, rock & roll mentality of California. Now, the magazine shills for a corrosive and nauseating ideology that recently promoted Independence Day in the U.S. as a holiday that commemorates occupying native lands. These people are totally out of touch with their past and basically hate themselves. That is what cancer is – when a person hates themselves at the cellular level. This is the modern leftist ideology today.

That is why it is important for US citizens to be aware of this and to recognize the cancer for what it is. Where it is present, it must be removed from positions of power and decision-making authority.

Leftism has metastasized. It must now be removed by scalpel.

Leftist and left-leaning groups from Google to Facebook, to the FBI, the US Democrat Party, to the corporations bowing to their pressure for social activism like Anheuser Busch, Walt Disney, and Nike; to the academic institutions like Berkeley, University of Arizona, and Columbia— they, themselves, cannot see the futility and backwardness of their own cause. They trumpet it forth because they lack the economic, political, and social understanding of what it is they are saying and doing. Those that do understand the ramifications of their course of action are those who are so insulated that they are not harmed by the chaos they sow, and some actually derive profit from it.

If you have read this essay, and if it resonates with you, you must act. There is no sitting back and watching this occur. If you do not act, you are guilty of complicity. This is not a situation where the problem is just going to fade away on its own. The corrosiveness here is infecting all levels of US institutions, corporations, and levels of government.

We can remove it easily by recognizing it and choosing a better path.

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