If NH Needs Proof The Vaccines™ Have Adverse Side Effects, Just ask the CDC and FDA

There’s a rumor goin’ round that some in New Hampshire continue to accept and expend COVID cash to promote the mRNA vaccines because – according to the officials who decide such things – there’s no proof of harmful side effects. Talk about low-hanging fruit.

There is proof, and it comes from the people giving you the money.

There are over 1,830,000 adverse event reports, with over 35,000 deaths and over 66,000 permanently disabled. If even ten percent of the VAERS reported adverse events are legitimate, these are still the most dangerous vaccines in human history. But let’s not get caught up on that. The CDC has plenty of evidence of harm outside the VAERS system.

The CDC launched the V-SAFE App so that emergency use vaccine enthusiasts could report symptoms or side effects and their impact on daily life in real time. About ten million COVID jab enthusiasts signed up. Over 3 million reported an adverse event (that’s 30%), with 1.2 million reporting that they were unable to perform daily activities, 1.3 million missing work or school as a result of their adverse event, and 0.8 million seeking hospitalization, because of the vaccine—primarily white women and then white men in the Eastern United States.

Not far from home.

The App did not provide any easily traceable means for tracking more severe side effects like myocardia, stroke, or death, and that appears deliberate, but 7.7% of App users reported seeking medical care on the CDC’s App.

Not enough evidence of risk of harm. How about a Pfizer clinical trial?


In July of 2021, a study published by Pfizer explained that “during the blinded, placebo-controlled period, 15 participants in the [Pfizer vaccine] BNT162b2 group and 14 in the placebo group died.” Using FDA-style math, that is a 7% increased chance of death.

But it gets worse. After the placebo group was unblinded, an additional 5 participants who received the vaccine died. As Pfizer explains, “3 participants in the [Pfizer vaccine] BNT162b2 group and 2 in the original placebo group who received [Pfizer vaccine] BNT162b2 after unblinding died.”


Eleven out of twenty cardiovascular deaths. This fits hand in glove with recent admissions by the FDA and CDC of the risk of myocarditis and pericarditis around the VAERS safety signal. And that makes sense because both were recognized side effects before deployment and have been confirmed in public admissions since.

The EPOCH Times had to use a Freedom of Information request to uncover how the CDC was aware that a much higher proportion of events after COVID-19 vaccination were serious. For adults, for instance, the proportion was 11.1 percent, compared to 5.5 percent after non-COVID-19 vaccines. The proportion of deaths for adults was 15.4 percent after COVID-19 vaccination, much higher than the 2.5 percent after other shots.”

Additionally, “Within the Pfizer documents is Document 5.3.6 (Post-Marketing Experience), a cumulative analysis of adverse event reports occurring in the 90 days after the public rollout of the Covid-19 mRNA injection. And within that report, 275 people suffered a stroke suspected to be attributed to the vaccine between days 1 to 41; 50% of these occurred within the first 48 hours after injection.”

Twenty percent of strokes were fatal.

In October 2020,Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, a member of the CDC COVID-19 Vaccine Task Force and the Vaccine Safety Team, released a slide deck explaining the tools and safety protocols being deployed in advance of a COVID-19 vaccine rollout.” Included was a list of known Adverse Events which begins with getting COVID and Death.

CDC Slide 17 AEs for COVID vaccine Oct 2020


CDC Scientists did not clinically review the VAERS AEs of special interest, and they lied about it when asked. We also know there was systemic or institutional pressure not to report Adverse Events, so the best data is incomplete.

We do know that the final list of AEs is a good deal longer, and (as a reminder) this is official government material available before deployment and after, so not only is there evidence of harmful side effects it was known and hidden along with (drumroll please) the fact that they knew their juice was neither safe nor effective against infection or spread before the pandemic of the unvaccinated lies emerged to hide this truth.

They knew before the EUA was issued.

And this is the tip of an enormous iceberg whose water is frozen hard with evidence of harm. The proof is buried in thousands of documents that Pfizer and the FDA hoarded, only pried loose by court order. No one was supposed to know, but we do, and still, our elected leaders and public health officials who answer to them pretend all is well.

It sounds like a Pulitzer Prize-worthy exposé about a massive cover-up, but you couldn’t get a New Hampshire journalist to touch this if you paid them – and that’s a fact because they are paid and not a peep.


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