Democrats “Respecting An Establishment of Religion” Sun God Edition

ivanpahOne of the richest companies on the planet (Google) along with well heeled left-wing opportunists posing as an energy concern, wanted to build a bad idea but couldn’t get anyone else to help pay for it.  So they ask Democrats in the department of energy for money–post Solyndra etc., Democrats in California–always willing to make rate payers pay through the nose for their “religion,” and the next thing you know they’ve got a risky, under-performing solar plant shrine that is a threat to man, and nature.

The Ivanpah Solar-power shrine in the sacred Mojave (the ruins of which history will document as a mysterious early 21st century monument to sun worshipers who used the facility for Mayan-like bird sacrifices), incentive by the promise of taxpayer money, built with taxpayer money, can’t ‘keep the lights on’ without more taxpayer money.

When a Democrat talks about the green energy economy the “green” part is your money, and the “energy” is the effort required to separate you from it.


[Invanpah] has been controversial from even before its start — it required relocating large numbers of desert tortoises — and since start-up for the birds it has killed and the menace it poses to aviation. Oh, and to the climate also; ironically, Ivanpah requires natural gas to operate, and 60 percent more of that than originally estimated, producing greenhouse gases that (per Mann and co.) menace the planet.

Ivanpah displaced tortoises, kills wildlife daily, needs fossil fuels to operate,  generates one quarter of the electricity promised, and despite being taxpayer funded and propped up,  it needs a taxpayer funded grant so that it can service its taxpayer guaranteed loan, until Google and NRG (One of the richest companies on the planet (Google) along with well heeled left-wing opportunists posing as an energy concern) get $660 million in tax payer backed credits, to keep the shrine operating.

Just for perspective when pro-Ivanpah Shrine Democrats rail on Republicans for giving “handouts” to ‘Big Oil,’ they are complaining about oil companies (for the most part) being allowed to pay less in taxes on their actual free-market profits.  That is to say, the companies provided a product people wanted or needed and as an incentive to do more of that the government demanded a smaller tithe for the privilege of being allowing them to operate.

Ivanpah exists entirely as a stream-of-consciousness green-trip of the left.

If government were to adopt an all of the above no energy bailout policy, no government tax credits, no grants or fiscal privileges, no  loans of any kind, the Ivanpah shrine would have never been a trillion degree momentary twinkle in the now dead stare of some recently crisped endangered avian’s eyes.  it could not nor would it exist, for all the reasons it couldn’t and now can’t without an endless stream of taxpayer support, whose sole purpose is to make other people pay so that rich liberals feel better about driving SUV’s, owning private jets, and living in palatial estates.

Unfortunatley, the state funded travel bailout for your pilgrimage to the Ivanpah shrine has been diverted to the Ivanpah re-branding and marketing budget.

And be sure to check the box that says “Yes, I would like to give another 540 Million to fund the Ivanpah shrine,” on your tax return.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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