Pfizer, Moderna, and the FDA Knew They Were The Ones “Who Killed Grandma”

The COVID Vaccine “safe and effective” tagline has suffered headshots, and body blows, with the chorus coming back with “vaccine denier!” Science Denier! But we’ve known for a while they were the ones who killed grandma.

Related: The CDC Lied About COVID Vaccine Safety Surveillance

And I take no pride in this. But the lines were drawn early, primarily ideological, and that set the stage for what everyone should have realized was about political science, not public health. And without those blinders (could we say masks?) worn by the public health and media industrial complex, millions would have realized that COVID alone was less of a threat than the vaccines. That no one under 20 years of age needed the EUA injection (even if it did work), and almost no one under 50 needed it either.

Thousands of scientists, thinkers, and experts stood up early and often to suggest that lockdowns, quarantines, distancing, and masks might do more harm than good, just as many stepped out to question the so-called (it’s still not a) vaccine. There was evidence early in that it was not effective and that it sometimes had fatal side effects.

It was all heaped into the “not” pile, the speakers systematically slandered, canceled, and labeled. But they were right. We were right. The data wasn’t lying, but the FDA, CDC, Moderna, and Pfizer knew that. And that’s not news, certainly not to our readers or writers. But the hole keeps getting deeper, or the pile of inconvenient truths higher, and Emily Oster isn’t the only one launching trial balloons to find a path out from under it.

Because an increasing number of Americans are siding with the so-called vaccine deniers, from skipping the second shot to the boosters to the bivalents, and that mistrust is deserved.

If you recall, when they announced the rushed, warp-speed “cure,” I announced that you could get it you wanted, but I was going to wait for the human test trials to run their course (see also the vaccine mandate campaigns). And we have authors who got jabbed or boosted for their own reasons, but we’ve all watched that human trial unfold, and the results are terrible. Not just the stories but the details clawed from the FDA and CDC, contradicting everything we were told.

My question is, ‘If a vaccine can not reduce the risk for a viral infection, how can it reduce the risk for the severe disease that is caused by that viral infection?’

Karen Kingston answered her question; it can’t. And it never could. Not ever. It was never safe or effective. Kingston reports:


The FDA approval documents state that VAERD is an IMPORTANT POTENTIAL RISK for both the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA injections (because the injections increase the risk for both COVID-19 infection and severe disease).


VAERD is vaccine-assisted enhanced disease, a known “side-effect” right along with Myocarditis and Pericarditis, which have killed unknown numbers but appeared first (at least in a very public and undeniable manner) among athletes who, after a second shot, began dropping dead in the summer of 2021 (Image credits: Karen Kingston).



They knew it probably wasn’t safe, and they knew it wasn’t effective. And they didn’t know much else, but the FDA approved them anyway (with some members of that approval board claiming they were misled).

In August of 2021, we shared reports from Dr. Dan Stock, who had observed immune systems compromised by these injections and how they made patients more susceptible to infection and disease. He was speaking at a school board meeting, a thumb drive filled with data in hand for them, about why kids didn’t need masks or The Jab™. That it was not working as advertised.

He wasn’t the only one. You may have been one of many who shared that and more to educate people who were being denied informed consent, which by law is required for any treatment, especially an emergency use treatment.

It became a partisan political fight, and all sides went to war. You may know people who were casualties. We do. And now, the vaxxers would like to walk away without consequence.


… to have their cake (say something nice that makes everyone happy) and eat it (not have to actually admit what they did wrong or relinquish any of their power by changing the core problematic policies they put forward).”


A lot went wrong, but almost all of it can be traced back to money, politics, and power. People who should have known better were leveraged or silenced by politicians and bureaucrats (remember, hospitals are just businesses, and death is a balance sheet line item).

It all went sideways, but we don’t need apologies. We don’t require you to say we were right. We need as many people as possible to grasp that this happened, why it happened, and that it could happen again.

That it is the response to COVID for which we need a cure.


| Cleveland Clinic COVID Vaxx Study (pdf)

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