It may not be a well known maxim in New Hampshire but when Jeanne Shaheen was governor she liked to rule by committee. Blue ribbon, fact finding, you name it – she’d call for a committee to investigate whatever her progressive mind thought ailed us. (Progressive minds think everything ails us, and that they are the only cure.)
Since ascending to DC as a US Senator (notice I did not say New Hampshire), Shaheen has done her party bidding with little regard for anything other than the Democrat agenda. Her idea of working for New Hampshire is not to try and keep more of our tax dollars in the state but to burnish her resume with acclamations about how she got some of it back.
Neither of these things is leadership. So you might not be surprised to learn that on September 11th, 2001 when crisis struck the nation, then Governor Shaheen was outside the state without having notified anyone else including those assigned to act in her absence.
Shaheen as governor did not notify the Republican president of the Senate, who was next in line to run the state if the governor was absent, that she had left to go to a political event in Washington, D.C. Shaheen’s absence, cell phone troubles, and a legal challenge to her authority by the head of the state’s National Guard created “chaos” at the State House in Concord.
Not even a blue ribbon committee?
Shaheen said in a 2011 speech that she was in D.C. for a National Governors Association education meeting on September 11 and saw smoke at the Pentagon from her hotel window. National Governors Association records do not show any Winter or Summer meetings for governors scheduled in September 2001, and records of the education event were not found as of press time. Shaheen announced her exploratory committee for a 2002 Senate run on August 23, 2001, less than three weeks before 9/11.
Where were all the other Democrat governors I wonder? I think they were in their respective states, now that i think about it.
So Shaheen slithered off to the progressive mother-ship in DC to get the blessing of with left-wing uppity-ups for her Senate run, and didn’t want anyone to know.
At least we know where John Lynch learned the trick.
And speaking of absent. Still no town halls Senator Shaheen?