California – Drunk Females Are Incapable of Consenting to Sex

California passed a law (Signed by Moon-beam Jerry Brown) that hold university (funding) hostage unless colleges and universities in the state adopt their policy with regard to sexual assault (etc)…

The bill holds hostage funding for colleges and universities unless “the governing board of each community college district, the Trustees of the California State University, the Regents of the University of California, and the governing boards of independent postsecondary institutions shall adopt a policy concerning sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking…”

That policy is strictly defined within the bill, and mandates new, uniform procedures for the reporting, counseling, and investigation of alleged sexual misconduct on campus.

The prime feature of this new law is yes means yes but there are a lot of rules about when yes might still mean no but no clear definitions of when yes–according to the law–can’t possibly mean yes.  As Amy Miller at Legal Insurrection observes,

… sex happens. Drunk, sloppy, reckless sex happens on college campuses and there’s not a bill in the world that can eliminate the oft-depressing reality of “the morning after.”

This bill not only assumes a drunk male is guilty of assault, but assumes a drunk female is incapable of consenting to sex, and does not define what it means to be “incapacitated.”

Now, by law, in a situation where a substantial amount of alcohol is involved, consent cannot exist, the aggressor is by default a rapist, and an even-willing partner is by default a victim.

Amy Miller at LI

Bill Whittle at PJTV/ Trifecta,  goes one better.

‘What laws like this say is that women are not full human adults. They’re not capable of making adult decisions. They’re innocent sad little flowers who are the victims of all kinds of oppression. … They’re saying that they are not adult enough to make a decision about how much to drink, whether to go out and drink in the first place, and having had a few drinks whether they want to go to bed with a guy.  But a man has all of those abilities and responsibilities.  What this law says is that women are not nearly as capable as men.  That’s exactly what this law is saying. …

Democrat majorities legislating women back to the 12th century (or maybe just the 50’s).  Are you at all surprised to discover that the so-called liberal/women’s empowerment culture is actually exactly the opposite?

I’m not.

Legal Insurrction

PJ Media

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