NH GOP Delegate / Gunstock Area Commissioner Douglas Lambert – Restraining Order / Stalking Order Sought – Paperwork Part 3

by Skip

The victim also is trying to get a Temporary Restraining Order (Stalking Order) against Doug Lambert when she filed charges for the Simple Assault.

GPD - Victim asked for a restraining order against Lambert

However, the Gilford Police Department advised her that they do not write such orders – she had to seek that from the Court system.  So, she did.  Here is that paperwork (again, everything is a Public Record, filed on 11/7/22):

(Hover over the page and the Navigation bar will appear)

Stalking Petition 2022-11-07 Golter v Lambert Laconia District Court

Read the narrative.  I can vouch for her word “smirking” – I call it his “loopy grin” and I’ve seen it many times when he thinks he has bested a target.  Which also means it may not be over.

She also said he had “crazy eyes” – I remind folks of his actions when turned them on me when he lost control in answering my simple question:

And new to me, it wasn’t just once. She explained in her statement (last page) that he also got confrontational again with her at the end of the meeting. If the first incident during the meeting was an “accident” or “a misunderstanding”, why did Lambert take a second bite at the apple and go after her again?

However, there is more to this filing.

To be continued…


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