[su_quote cite=”New Hampshire Union Leader” url=”http://www.unionleader.com/article/20140828/OPINION01/140829039&source=RSS”]U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, D-The White House, will not do any town hall meetings, though this is an election year and she surely could pack a high school gym with interested voters. She told Roll Call, the Capitol Hill newspaper, that the people pressuring her to hold a public meeting are “out of state people….” Goodness, she thinks New Hampshire voters are dumb.
The real reason Shaheen does not want to put herself directly before the people should be perfectly obvious.
Politically, Shaheen is a throwback to the old-fashioned, party-run politician. She expresses no thoughts of her own, only party-approved talking points. She agrees with President Obama more than he does. Put a talking-point robot in front of a roomful of constituents who want answers and leadership, and it will be a YouTube bonanza.[/su_quote]