A Response to NH State Rep Amy Bradley – Slam This! What a Hypocrite on “Sanctuary”!

by Skip

We all know that the Democrats were all about creating Sanctuary States, Counties, Cities, and Towns when Republicans held the Presidency and were actively enforcing the Law concerning illegal immigration.

The news was replete with the Democrat Party officials and elected representatives’ pronouncements that how DARE he do that to these oppressed, marginalized people!  RACISTS!

With that as a background, let me talk about NH State Rep Amy Bradley whose big idea, it seems, is to be the replacement for the dearly departed Assault Twin NH State Rep Catherine Rogers who was the preeminent Gun-Grabber in the NH House. She HATED that “shall not infringe” bit of the Second Amendment:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And yes, every time a gun-grabber (being a socialist/communist/Democrat or weak-kneed or weak-minded unprincipled Republican) says “common-sense” or “you don’t ‘need’ that”, they are, indeed, infringing. And no, the Constitution is a LEGAL document – go tell your mortgage holder that you are now going to “interpret” the payment terms of that document and see how far you get.  And if you want to argue about it (because you can’t diagram a sentence to save your life), let’s use the NH Constitution’s version which is much more plain speaking:

[Art.] 2-a. [The Bearing of Arms.] All persons have the right to keep and bear arms in defense of themselves, their families, their property and the state.

So NH State Rep Amy Bradley, who has proclaimed that she is all for all kinds of gun control, decided to go on a rant in the Union Leader on NH as an “enabler” of “gun violence” because a bill that she voted against would set up NH as a “Sanctuary State” against Federal laws (passed by Democrats who also hate civilians to have “arms”) or a Biden Executive Order that seek complete disarmament of civilians.

Not ONCE in her piece did she even mention “Constitution” or foundational law.  Just Social Justice Warrior Vocabulary of the Day: “gun violence” (what, can’t even call it for what it is, crime mixed in the “no morality blender” served up in a mental illness glass) and “gun safety. With a side of White Supremacist thrown in as an appetizer and domestic terrorist as soup.

Sidenote: I am suing my school board, Rep. Bradley; does that make me a domestic terrorist?  I am, as you may not know, a White Evangelical, Conservatarian senior citizen – that that tip the scale for you?

Here’s your gun safety – start them at a young age (along with a respect for life starting at fertilization to natural death):

Elementary school boy with rifle in class 1956 Caveman Circus
Gun safety is taught in an Indiana school, 1956

So a bit of fisking to be done here.

RECENTLY, New Hampshire Republicans pushed a bill on to Governor Chris Sununu’s desk that would prohibit the state from enforcing any federal law or executive order, act or rule on firearms and prevent our law enforcement from collaborating with the FBI, DOJ, and ATF in the wake of gun violence.

See the top of this post about illegal alien Sanctuary. I did do a middling search to see if NH State Rep Amy Bradley had ever disagreed with that Democrat Principle.  I came up empty, so I’m not saying she hasn’t but my default stance is that she agrees with it.  Especially since she decided to vote against HB1266:


This bill prohibits state, county, municipal, or judicial officials from adopting or enforcing policies restricting enforcement of federal immigration laws.


103-A:1 Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law. The state of New Hampshire, a political subdivision of this state, or any person acting under the color of state, county, or municipal law shall not adopt or enforce any law or policy that prohibits the state of New Hampshire, a political subdivision of this state, or any person acting under the color of state, county, or municipal law from cooperating with the enforcement of federal immigration laws, including but not limited to 8 U.S.C. 1373 with respect to a person who has been detained by or is already in the custody of the state, county, or local law enforcement agency for a suspected violation of state law to include the enforcement of arrest warrants issued by the courts

So, back to her bellyaching and being a hypocrite about being willing to go against SOME laws (immigration) that she likes but castigating those people who do the same in another area.  “Nullification for me but not for thee!” seems to be her rallying cry.  Oh, and this weak tea is presented in trying to make President Trump look like he sides with her and not us:

In fact, one of the most restrictive recent regulations came from President Donald Trump in 2019, when he banned the sale of bump stocks following the mass shooting in Las Vegas.

Sure, we grimaced at it but NOT because of “bump stock” but in trying to have mere ATF regulations rewritten because of a political agenda trumping (pun intended) actual law which doesn’t even mention bump stocks.  Think I’m wrong?  Show me!

And onward to more blather:

…while announcing to the world that Granite State is open for criminal activity. Republicans might as well write it on their campaign signs — New Hampshire will not enforce laws to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals.

Making more stuff up out of the blue, thin air you breathe?  Who are the dangerous ones?  We who follow the Constitution or you who wish to override by mere law?


This bill prohibits the state of New Hampshire, a political subdivision of this state, or any person acting under the color of state, county, or municipal law from using any personnel or financial resources to enforce, administer, or cooperate with any law, act, rule, order, or regulation of the United States Government or Executive Order of the President of the United States that is inconsistent with any law of this state regarding the regulation of firearms, ammunition, magazines or the ammunition feeding devices, firearm components, firearms supplies, or knives.

You know, like the US Senator Diane Feinstein law that Maggie “The Red” Hassan has signed onto which would cause almost every kind of firearm in existence to be banned and every LAWFUL gun owner a FELON immediately.

But illegal aliens – “COME ON DOWN!” as the price is right for y’all – FREE because NH taxpayers will pay your freight if Amy Bradley had her way (see, I can make stuff up even easier than you). But she keeps digging her hole:

Not only does the passage of HB 1178 send a message that New Hampshire will not follow public safety measures,

Well, that’s a false statement (what we ordinary people call a LIE!).  Show me, show GraniteGrok readers, that anything like your assertion is to happen?  After all, gun stores are Federally licensed and if you are an FFL, you MUST follow their regs (the infamous ATF Form 4473) or lose your license. They aren’t going to risk that.

And she steps into a hole along the way:

but it also will undoubtedly help proliferate illegal firearms trafficking and the creation and sale of ghost guns to dangerous individuals.

Tell me, ma’am – since when do criminals follow the law? They KNOW they are doing something illegal. Is this going to make any difference (supposing that your premise is right)?  I doubt it because if they are already “prohibited” people (e.g., a felon), that isn’t going to change.

And people making their own firearms for their own use has been legal since we split off from the Brits – and even before that.  Nothing has changed in that regard.   See prohibited people, once again.

More than that, this bill places hundreds of thousands of federal aid dollars at risk and could prevent the FBI, DOJ, and ATF from working with New Hampshire police and other law enforcement in the wake of violence here in our state. During testimony on the bill several members of law enforcement testified to this very fact.

Coulda, woulda, shoulda. NOT.  Once again, a smokescreen.  I’ll posit that NOTHING will change.  The intent of the law is to prevent law-abiding NH Citizens from being stripped of the First Amendment / Article 2-A rights by overzealous do-gooders (at least YOU think you are – I say you’re violating your Oath of Office to defend said Constitutions)

This bill is clearly unconstitutional and will be challenged, but still, growing ever more extreme, House and Senate Republicans value bucking federal law over the lives and safety of their constituents.

And why, again, did you vote against HB1266 such that NH towns and cities COULD create Sanctuary locations for illegal aliens to come and hide in?  From a Principled standpoint, illegals or guns, they are both the same. Yet, you are FOR illegals but AGAINST guns?  Why the intellectual dishonesty?

The Granite State is not immune to violence and bigotry.

Nice throwing shade at us. But you missed extremists, TEA Partiers, veterans, domestic terrorists, racists, homophobes, transphobes, misogynists, xenophobes, and now the NEWEST epithet of the day:

Christianist fascists

Y’all always seem to have all those words (and more) tucked ever so neatly into your First Amendment holster. Hey, if you are going to infringe on my Second Amendment, how’s about I get to infringe upon your First? I have a handy-dandy application form ready at the wait for anytime you wish to speak publicly. Just read it, show me your picture ID (like I have to on a 4473), let me run a background check on you, and then have you pay me a small processing fee.

That’s for a small article. That processing fee goes up as the caliber of your piece (see what I did there??) goes down.

Otherwise, you’re merely an insurrectionist by other means for the other side.

Go ahead, Slam That!

Her article, in full:

Rep. Amy Bradley: Slam the door on NH as an enabler of gun violence

RECENTLY, New Hampshire Republicans pushed a bill on to Governor Chris Sununu’s desk that would prohibit the state from enforcing any federal law or executive order, act or rule on firearms and prevent our law enforcement from collaborating with the FBI, DOJ, and ATF in the wake of gun violence.

Less than a week later, an 18-year-old White supremacist opened fire at a Buffalo, N.Y., grocery store with the expressed intent to murder Black shoppers. This act of domestic terrorism killed 10 innocent people and forever altered the lives of hundreds of their loved ones and community members. Here in New Hampshire, instead of working to expand access to mental health care or to close background check loopholes, Republicans have taken action to make New Hampshire a haven for criminal activity, sending the message that federal gun laws will not be enforced here. In Buffalo, the White supremacist shooter crossed state lines to buy a high-capacity magazine not legal in the state where he lived. In countless other mass killings in this country, domestic terrorists have traveled to states with fewer gun safety laws in order to carry out their criminal activity.

At the federal level, regulations relating to gun safety come forward all the time — in Congress, from the presidential administration, or from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF). In fact, one of the most restrictive recent regulations came from President Donald Trump in 2019, when he banned the sale of bump stocks following the mass shooting in Las Vegas. In sending HB 1178 to Governor Chris Sununu, state Republicans now want to publicly contest important public safety regulations like President Trump’s bump stock ban, while announcing to the world that Granite State is open for criminal activity. Republicans might as well write it on their campaign signs — New Hampshire will not enforce laws to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous individuals.
Not only does the passage of HB 1178 send a message that New Hampshire will not follow public safety measures, but it also will undoubtedly help proliferate illegal firearms trafficking and the creation and sale of ghost guns to dangerous individuals. More than that, this bill places hundreds of thousands of federal aid dollars at risk and could prevent the FBI, DOJ, and ATF from working with New Hampshire police and other law enforcement in the wake of violence here in our state. During testimony on the bill several members of law enforcement testified to this very fact.

This bill is clearly unconstitutional and will be challenged, but still, growing ever more extreme, House and Senate Republicans value bucking federal law over the lives and safety of their constituents.

Roberta A. Drury, 32, Margus D. Morrison, 52, Andre Mackniel, 53, Aaron Salter, 55, Geraldine Talley, 62, Celestine Chaney, 65, Heyward Patterson, 67, Katherine Massey, 72, Pearl Young, 77, Ruth Whitfield, 86. These were the lives ruthlessly taken by a White supremacist terrorist in Buffalo last week. We say their names and we mourn with their community as if it was our own.
The Granite State is not immune to violence and bigotry. This could have happened here in New Hampshire. Mass shootings have happened 197 other times this year in America. New Hampshire Republicans want you to look away while they strip away public safety measures with HB 1178 and welcome criminal activity in our state, which ranks as one of the safest in the nation.
Gun violence and domestic terrorism can be stopped and it must be stopped. It takes all of us working together — law enforcement, Congress, New Hampshire lawmakers, and Governor Sununu too. Governor Sununu must veto HB 1178 for the benefit of Granite Staters and our families who don’t want the state to be open for business to bad actors, White supremacists, and other criminals.

Rep. Amy Bradley (D-Manchester) sits on the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

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