Announcement: PayPal Has Decided to Shut Granitegrok off from Its Services

by Skip

Well, it was going to happen sooner or later. In uploading some documents for information they requested, they didn’t like the answer and last night, told us that we were effectively locked out of our account from using it (we can log in but can’t send or receive money). I’ve heard that this has happened to Conservative sites so I’m not surprised.

I’m on hold with Paypal as I write this to see if I can straighten this out.

Now, we have a backup Paypal account so we can still pay the bills (good thing we are an ultra-low-budget/frugal entity compared to our competition!)  and we’ll start redirecting people, as needed, for sponsored posts and for those of you who have been nice enough to support us on a monthly basis.  If you get any kind of a bounceback because of their action that we can’t take the money you’ve offered, we apologize and will let you know either then it has been fixed or we’re going elsewhere.  I’ll be first shutting off the DONATE page, then moving it around to our backup account. If you would, give me a couple of days since it has been years since I did this last and I’m betting things have changed as well.

It’s funny, Steve and I were just starting to talk about finding a “Right side” / Conservative payment processor. Turns out to have been the right question to ask, just a wee bit late in asking it. So there are several out there now (The Left taunted the Right “well, go create your own if you don’t like ours”. Now they’re ticked because it has happened and we on the Right ARE leaving. So if you know of any, or are using any yourself, let us know in the comments.

So, let us know if you have any questions – we’ll answer them the best we can.  In the meantime, know that the lights will stay on! And please “hang with us” while I start tinkering with stuff “under the hood”.

And we DO thank you for your support!

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