Guest Post- Jane Cormier: “Rep. Sullivan and Twitter – What a Team!”

twitter-logo-breakThe Democratic Attack Machine is officially in motion. Manchester Rep. Peter Sullivan’s recent attack on 2nd Congressional Candidate, Rep. Marilinda Garcia, Salem, is proof of that fact.  After Rep. Garcia threw her hat into the political ring against Annie Kuster, the silliness began – via Rep. Sullivan’s sexist comments regarding Rep. Garcia on Twitter.

@katbeep: She’s Al Baldasarro in stiletto heels, a lightweight and O’Brien clone
@PeterSullivan: Bill O’Brien + Kim Kardashian = Marilinda Garcia
@PeterSullivan: After careful consideration, I want to apologize to Kim Kardashian for comparing her to a right-wing extremist like Marilinda Garcia.

Dare I say, Rep. Sullivan watches WAY too much television? But, let’s look at some fact regarding Rep. Marilinda Garcia:

1. Graduated from Tufts University and Harvard’s JFK School of Government with a Masters in Public Policy.

2. Serving her fourth term, representing Salem in the NH House of Representatives. Currently serves on the Finance Committee. She has previously served on the Committees on Finance, Children and Family Law, Election Law, and Legislative Administration respectively, as well as co-chair of a House Caucus and as a Majority Whip.

That is a pretty significant political resume. Yet, “Stiletto heels, lightweight, and Bill O’Brien” are the words Rep. Sullivan uses to try to demonize Rep. Garcia.  Rather than debate her in the public arena of ideas, Rep. Sullivan tweets, “…she is a right-wing, homophobic, anti-worker shill for the Koch Brothers.” WOW – now that’s a mouthful!

All in all, Rep. Sullivan has shown NH what he is all about.  When you cannot win the debate, you lower yourself to fight in the dirt.  You know, muddy up the waters so folks cannot discern the truth?  Rep. Sullivan owes Rep. Garcia an apology.  Dare I say, he owes all women an apology for bringing sexist and demonizing remarks into the political process here in NH.  Pay attention folks.  It is about to get very interesting!

Rep. Jane Cormier
Belknap District 8

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