How Many Raped Girls, Does it Take to Secure the Girls Restroom in NH Schools?

A girl was raped and sodomized in her high school restroom, and the school administrator appears to have hidden this information from parents.

Parents across the country are fed up with their children suffering from the incompetence of school administrators and board members. In this case, a girl suffered one of the most heinous crimes, inside the school restroom.

The Principal in Loudoun Virginia finally apologized to those parents, and one school board member resigned.

But both President Obama and now President Biden have been pushing our local schools to subject girls to the risk of sexual assault with these kinds of bathroom policies. The New Hampshire School Boards Association moved that dangerous agenda forward in our state.

And Loudon County isn’t the first incident of a boy taking advantage of a school policy that aims to provide restroom access for transgender students – I suspect it won’t be the last.

I have to ask, how many girls have to be raped before someone reverses this policy?

This is not an attack on children experiencing gender dysphoria. In fact, I fully support a policy that addresses their needs too. If they need a private restroom, then find one in the school. Some have suggested using the restroom in the teacher’s lounge or some other private restroom that can be added so their privacy needs are met.

As a parental rights advocate, I’ve fielded calls from parents of middle school boys who do not feel comfortable when biological girls use their restroom. Children who identify as boys, but are biological girls, can also make the boys feel uncomfortable. But these boys and girls are now told to ignore those inherent feelings of modesty and privacy. What happens when you break down the natural feelings of modesty and privacy? Does anyone ever consider that?

In this article from “YouareMOM,” mothers are advised to respect the modesty of their children. You are supposed to respect your child’s natural and inherent modesty.  Sadly, those charged with your children at school are not respecting your children in the same way.

I have worked with parents of transgender students. They are going through a lot as a family and certainly need empathy and compassion. They don’t all agree with this policy, but they do want a solution that meets the needs of their children.

If you aren’t familiar with the case in Loudoun Virginia, take note. Ask your board members why they are taking your tax dollars out of the school budget and sending them to the New Hampshire School Boards Association when they are peddling policies that put girls at risk and try to hide information from parents. Within the school policy,  teachers are to hide information from parents.  Are you surprised that this district went a step further and hid the rape? They laid the foundation for this violent act to happen.

Read what the Principal in Loudon County s now saying; he did not provide a safe, welcoming, and affirming environment.

The superintendent of Loudoun County Public Schools issued an apology and a school board member resigned on Friday as the district faces mounting backlash over its response to two alleged sexual assaults, one of which was allegedly carried out by a skirt-wearing male student in a girls’ bathroom.

Superintendent Scott Ziegler apologized for saying during a June event that the Virginia district had no record of assaults taking place in its bathrooms. His comments came amid debate about policy changes related to self-identified transgender students. Ziegler said Friday that he misunderstood the question when he made the comment.

Ziegler also said he is “sorry that we failed to provide the safe, welcoming, and affirming environment that we aspire to provide.” He told affected students and families: “We acknowledge and share in your pain and we will continue to offer support to help you and your families through this trauma.”

So I will ask the New Hampshire School Boards Association to reverse the model policy that they are recommending to local school districts.  They need to notify all of the New Hampshire districts they serve, to reverse the provisions that are dangerous and that keep information from parents.

If they refuse, and any child in New Hampshire is harmed by this policy, you can bet that I will be making the aggrieved parents aware of their refusal. 


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