How Cannabis Growing is Done – Insights for Hemp CBD Users

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With the latest craze around the legalization of cannabis, many people are interested in learning how it is grown. Cannabis growing is a straightforward process that makes it easy for anyone to grow. With just a little space and light, you are good to go. Why spend a lot of money buying cannabis products such as hemp CBD flowers when you can grow the plant and enjoy the outcome from the comfort of your home? Below is how cannabis growing is done.

Choose the Space for Growing

Cannabis growing can be done both indoors and outdoors. It depends on the space you have. Indoor growers have quite a small space, so hence they will not grow a large amount of cannabis. You will be required to provide all the necessities from watering to lighting. This is different from outdoor growing. Lighting and watering are the least of your problems. All you have to worry about is privacy. You are planting in an open environment, which means your plants can be attacked by insects or stolen.

Choose Your Light Source

Light is an important aspect of cannabis growing. If you are using the sun, it is important to note that the plant needs at least 10 hours of sun exposure. This promotes its overall growth. If you are an indoor grower, household lighting is the best option.

Choose Your Growing Medium

There are many mediums of cannabis growing that you can choose from. Soil, for example, happens to be the most used medium by many growers. Healthy soil assures you of a healthy plant and harvest. For beginners, it is good to start with organic soil for nutrients that last a long time.

Select Your Nutrients

Nutrients act as a booster in cannabis growing. Choose nutrients according to the medium used. Also, pay attention to the pH level of your water. Nutrients are absorbed best in water that has a well-balanced pH level.

Choose Your Strain

At this point, you get to decide what you need to grow. As a hemp CBD user, you are likely growing cannabis for medicinal use, hence you need one that has relaxing effects. Effect type will help you choose your desired strain.

Seed Germination

This step does not apply to all growers, it applies to those who grow the plant from a seed. Germination in cannabis can take ten to twelve hours or even six days depending on the environment.

Vegetative Stage

At this stage, your seedlings develop leaves. Therefore, you need to take care of them carefully by providing enough light and water. They need at least half a day of light until they are ready for the next stage.

Flowering Stage

In this stage, your plant develops flowers that later produce buds that you can consume. During this stage, you need to balance the amount of light and darkness your plant receives. After some time, your plant will get bushy and you can trim it to allow easy passage of light.

Harvesting Time

This is the time that you have been waiting for. Your plant is ready for harvesting when it has white hairs growing out of the buds. You can simply harvest by cutting the buds off of the branches using scissors.


As a hemp user, it is good that you understand how cannabis is grown. You never know, you might be the next cannabis grower. Also, get to know the laws of cannabis in your state and country before thinking of growing the plant.


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