Star Wars Episode 7 Due in 2015

Star Wars Episode 7
Disney Owned Lucasfilm Planning next trilogy

Looks like Disney bought Lucasfilm for just over 4 billion dollars, and is now plotting the next three Star Wars Movies.  “Episode 7” is already slated for a 2015 release; all other factors remain unknown. Oh, it will probably be in 3D unless that (ticket price raising) fad has died a happy (or unhappy) death before hand.

Yes, I did say 4 billion dollars. (Talk about Hakunah Matata.)

There is (obviously) all sorts of speculation about the project(s) not the least of which is what will George Lucas’ role be in a new trilogy now that his original vision has run its course?

My personal thoughts?

I think that should be limited to leaving his name on the studio, and letting him walk into the twin suns of Tatooine with his 4 billion.   He earned it.

Besides, while he has a scope and vision that are galactic in scope, other than Star Wars–which benefited as much from advancements in film making and special effects as an archetypal story told on a bold new canvas–the rest of his directing was basically Bantha Poo doo (or is that Pu du?).  Some of his casting decisions are suspect as well.

But he will live forever as the guy who made Star Wars and if Disney does good things he still benefits.  If they screw it up, his last four efforts look that much better (he did not direct Empire Strikes ack) and he’s always got ‘A long Time Ago, in A Galaxy Far Far Away…’ which invites childhood memories before Ewoks and Jar-Jar Binks, and the worst child actor ever to play a major role in a Lucasfilm motion picture.

Lucas can only lose if he is asked to help and he makes matters worse.

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Yahoo TV on handing off the Franchise


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