Fabricating a False Conspiracy Narrative at Merrimack Patch?

Steve MacDonald

Carolyn Dube, editor of the Merrimack Patch, engaged in a form of journalism today, after reading my post about potential political bias and ‘indoctrination’ tactics in some of the classrooms at Merrimack High School. I will leave the kind of journalism she engaged in up to you dear readers.

In her opening paragraph she establishes the tone of the piece thusly…

A Merrimack father and blogger on conservative blog GraniteGrok is alleging a conspiracy of political indoctrination and bullying among Merrimack High School teachers who he says are lobbying for the re-election of the president.

In order for it to be a conspiracy there has to be a planned coordinated effort.  But seeing as I never make this claim, and in fact, make remarks that contradict it, (directly to Ms. Dube in fact), everything after her opening paragraph is equally suspect.

All of it?  Yes.

Consider: If you are the superintendent or on the school board, and someone asks if there might be teachers who let their political agenda into the classroom, some accidentally, some intentionally, some actively, some even with an agenda, what is your response….compared to being asked if you think there is a conspiracy at your High School to politically indoctrinate students?

I have asked Carolyn for clarification on how she approached Marge Chiafery and Chris Ortega.  I have also asked why comments I made to her were left out of her article that would indicate that “conspiracy” has never crossed my mind?  While I will update this  post with her comments I am not waiting for her to respond.  She lost that courtesy the moment she wrote that opening paragraph.

So what did I tell her that contradicts the idea of a conspiracy?

Here is the opening paragraph of the email I sent to Carolyn Dube, the same email from which she pulled other remarks for inclusion.

All in all, I’m actually pretty open minded about this.  I’ve put up with reports for years of a lot of ideology specific issues advocacy in class in the past.  For the most part the teachers are just stewing in Democrat union politics and it is not necessarily deliberate.  I am not inclined to run off to the Principal or Superintendent in such circumstances.  It is a wast(e) of all of our time and taxpayers dollars.

 Here is the second paragraph.

It took “a few weeks” because I was under the initial presumption that the reported activity might have been a one time thing.  I was notified that both campaigns may have been given some access (for example) to civics classes.  But long after that certain things kept cropping up (once a week) that made me suspect it was bias.  I had to wait a few weeks to determine if it was coincidental or appeared to be more like politically biased activity.  Was equal space or time given to both sides.  The latter did not turn out to be the case based on what has been observed and reported to me.

And here are the other bits Carolyn left out.

Everyone gets excited about their ideas and candidates.  I think that’s great, even if its a candidate I’d never vote for.  But just keep it out of the public school classroom.

I’m sure you’ll turn up some information about school policy, some denials, no concrete evidence, and that’s all great.  I look forward to reading it (please email me a link as I may not otherwise take note) and after the dust settles, as long it has been put aside in the classroom, we’re good.  If this comes back up and its is not balanced presentation or discussion, if it is clearly biased, you may be seeing some more posts about it from me about those individuals.

Full Email posted at the end.

Are these the remarks of someone who believes there is a coordinated  conspiracy among teachers to indoctrinate high school kids?  I admit to knowing what I meant when I said it, but looking at this as it was presented to Carolyn Dube, I’m not seeing it.

So I even went back to my original post.  There is more than enough exposition that mirrors what I wrote in my email.

There’s no conspiracy there; just the observation that it is happening, that I’d like it to be unbiased and open, and if that is not possible for it to stop.  Do I make it edgy, push some buttons…of course.  Poking bears with sticks is what we do.  But Carolyn Dube has done me a great disservice with this tack, and may have even mislead both Chris Ortega and Superintendent Marge Chiafery in the course of seeking comment from them if she asked them for comment based her own misleading conspiracy theory narrative.

If that is how future interactions (between myself and Carolyn) are to proceed, that is fine.  I am neither surprised, put out, insulted, nor inconvenienced.   I Just hope, Carolyn, that you fully grasp what it is you have wandered into?
Full email sent to Carolyn Dube in context.

All in all, I’m actually pretty open minded about this.  I’ve put up with reports for years of a lot of ideology specific issues advocacy in class in the past.  For the most part the teachers are just stewing in Democrat union politics and it is not necessarily deliberate.  I am not inclined to run off to the Principal or Superintendent in such circumstances.  It is a wast of all of our time and taxpayers dollars.

It took “a few weeks” because I was under the initial presumption that the reported activity might have been a one time thing.  I was notified that both campaigns may have been given some access (for example) to civics classes.  But long after that certain things kept cropping up (once a week) that made me suspect it was bias.  I had to wait a few weeks to determine if it was coincidental or appeared to be more like politically biased activity.  Was equal space or time given to both sides.  The latter did not turn out to be the case based on what has been observed and reported to me.

I also wanted other sources, none of whom want to be named of course, which means you need to be even more careful.  These kids have to go to school here.

I am also not that interested in meetings, interviews or missing work to talk to administrators or to ask for agenda items at school board meetings.  My kids don’t care all that much.  It’s almost like a running joke because some union teachers are a bit too “enthusiastic” about their politics and I’m a conservative blogger at GraniteGrok.   My kids ask questions, I give them my side, and if they want to talk about it we do.   They are not getting indoctrinated.  But there are other students who will be and that is not the place for it.

My goal is simple.  Make a loud noise.  Get their attention.  Remind them that it is happening, and intentional or not that they need to be mindful of it….oh, and to please stop.

Everyone gets excited about their ideas and candidates.  I think that’s great, even if its a candidate I’d never vote for.  But just keep it out of the public school classroom.

I’m sure you’ll turn up some information about school policy, some denials, no concrete evidence, and that’s all great.  I look forward to reading it (please email me a link as I may not otherwise take note) and after the dust settles, as long it has been put aside in the classroom, we’re good.  If this comes back up and its is not balanced presentation or discussion, if it is clearly biased, you may be seeing some more posts about it from me about those individuals.

I hope I don’t get to write those but I am prepared to if I must.

Best Regards,

Steve Mac Donald


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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