NBA Reporter on Riots: Burn That Sh*t Down – Wait, Not My Sh*t!

Today’s virtue-signaling semi-celebrity A-Hole du Jour is NBA reporter Chris Palmer. The former ESPN talking head (torso, arms, and legs) took to Twitter to share his support for the rioters.  A picture of a large building engulfed in flames with the caption “Burn that sh*t down. Burn it all down.”

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Chris wanted you to know he was down with “the struggle.” Well, until “the struggle” hit the community next to his. Suddenly, with the barbarians at his gate, Palmer lost interest in posturing about their motivations, or whatever justice he imagined would be achieved by harming other innocent people and destroying their property.

In other words, he’s kind of an a**hole.

Chris Palmer tear up yor own shit

And I don’t mean to say he is an a**hole for wanting to protect his own sh*t. There’s nothing wrong with that. He is an a**hole for not giving a damn about anyone else’s—especially the folks whose neighborhoods have been destroyed and looted and burned. Business gone, people harmed. Not because of George Floyd but because of the tendency of violent people to do violent things and what appears to be a political agenda facilitated by third-party actors like Antifa.

You see, they do care about their sh*t. Some of them were beaten and left in the street for caring. Folks who suffered while you were encouraging them.

And you were kind of a dumbass about it.

Wait, it gets better – I mean, worse.

I’m sure Chris will write a check to make himself feel better. Maybe even plant some trees to help mitigate all the pollution and CO2 released by the protester’s “pursuit of justice” for George Floyd. Not climate justice, certainly.

Or, maybe not. If they burn down his sh*t, he might take it personally.

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