‘Republican’ Joe Walsh – “I am ending my candidacy for president of the United States”

Joe Walsh hung on to Iowa but he’s hanging up his running shoes. Calling it quits. He no longer intends to run for President against Mr. Trump who got over 97% of the vote in Iowa. And Jennifer Horn (to the best of our knowledge) never touched the Walsh campaign.

Iowa GOP vote count 2020 caucus Final

So, he did one thing right. Anyway, here is whining to CNN about having to drop out.


“I am ending my candidacy for president of the United States,” Walsh told CNN’s John Berman on “New Day.” “I got into this because I thought it was really important that there was a Republican — a Republican — out there every day calling out this president for how unfit he is.”

Yes, those amazing job numbers for the poor, middle class, blacks, Hispanics, women, teenagers, awful stuff. All that employment, rising wages, better trade deals. Unfit, yes that’s the word we’re looking for, right?


Walsh, a conservative, said he will do whatever he can to stop Trump, including help any of the Democratic candidates get elected.

So, he’s not a quitter?

Trump “literally is the greatest threat to this country right now. Any Democrat would be better than Trump in the White House,” he said.

So, is this a good time to repeat the whole jobs, prosperity thing? How about the fact that race relations have actually improved under Trump? Literally the greatest threat? Literally?

He accused the Republican Party of being a “cult” and said Trump can’t be beat in the GOP primary “so there’s no reason for me, or any candidate, really to be in there.”

You lost 31,464 to 151 in Iowa so I guess I could see why you think that but maybe, and this might seem a bit harsh, but maybe you suck?

But if it makes you feel better, Joe Biden came in Fourth and he spent a lot more money than you did.


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