So Now We Know Why Rosemarie Rung Is So Gaga For a State Income Tax


That must be some manor Representative Rung … whom I often refer to as #HornyGrammy for her twitter-stalking of a young, male GOP State Rep and tweets like this:

… calls home. 120 people.

The tweet reveals why New Hampshire’s #HornyGrammy is so gaga for a State income tax (notwithstanding her claims that she actually opposes an income tax). She wants to shift the burden for paying for all the new and additional government spending she advocates to working people.

As long as public education is funded locally through a local property tax, the local landed aristocracy … like #HornyGrammy … cannot practice tax avoidance as they can with an income tax.

Here’s #HornyGrammy arguing that Dan Feltes’ payroll tax is not really an income tax because it’s a tax on wages and her household does not receive wage income:

When #HornyGrammy and other on the Left talk about “tax-fairness” or “tax-equity” what they really mean is increasing the tax burden of working people relative to theirs.

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