Holding the Line in Defense Against Corrupt Government

Kensley Vitoria

Unfolding this week in Texas, we have seen the latest moves in a long and drawn-out jurisdictional battle between an overreaching, abusive government and Mr Alex Jones.

In the halls of power, Jones is not a popular figure due to his consistent criticism of the US government and many politicians. He has for decades been smeared as an extremist, a radical, and a far-right figure. In some instances, these labels have been accurate, while in others, they have served simply to make him a pariah in hopes that his voice is not amplified and his ideas are not followed.

Lately, a globalist/communist deep state judge directly associated with the Biden cabal, which is in itself a disgusting deep statist entity full of career politicians and bureaucrats working alongside radical left, ultra far left ideologues, has awarded over $1 billion in damages against Jones in a prominent lawsuit.

Anyone who followed that trial may have noticed the extreme partisanship of the judge and prosecutors. Severe infractions of legal standards were made, similar to the Trump-related trials in DC, Georgia, New York, Arizona, and Michigan— where Democrat Party-affiliated court systems have produced ridiculous show trials.

The process is Soviet in nature, reminiscent of the extreme partisanship applied by the Bolsheviks and the subsequent Politburo power structure in their attempts to root out anyone who disagrees with them. Facts don’t matter. What matters is whether the citizenry falls in line.

The Alex Jones trial is particularly shocking because so few have stepped up to defend the man. The decades of slander by deep statists and globalists/communists are working. It’s repulsive, disgusting, despicable, and abhorrent. Of all public figures, Alex Jones may be the one who citizens are most fearful of standing beside. And that is the problem.

US citizens are mostly all sheep, and this is starkly evident in this trial. A private citizen who has dedicated his life to exposing the deepest and darkest conspiracy theories is in danger of being destroyed.

US citizens must stand with Jones against the corrupt federal state. He is a champion of the people. This is not an issue of whether anyone agrees with his ideas or not. It’s not a matter of whether you like him or not. This is a matter of citizens standing together in a real fight for the survival of the country and its constitution.

Will you be complicit, subservient, and obedient while a junta installed by a cabal of globalist/communist radicals knocks off one after another of its political opponents?

Or will you stand up and draw the line and be willing to fight to uphold the ideas that created the United States of America as a bastion of freedom, independence, and liberty?

The USA was created in 1776 by a group of people who wanted to cast off the yoke of a corrupted, overarching state. Our forefathers implemented ideas of individual liberty, protection of private property, and democratic governance that were revolutionary at that time.

These ideas are still relevant today, and we must fight to continue to protect them, as well as our constitution and our country, in the face of an illegal, foreign-influenced, corrupted government abusing power through lawfare.


  • Kensley Vitoria

    “Kensley is a proponent of freedom, virtue, intelligence, education, and justice. A teacher by trade, they enjoy writing about global politics, international economics and finance, and space exploration. Having attended Georgetown and Hong Kong Universities, they are happy to provide a unique perspective on world affairs.”

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