The Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) has announced a hotline,
“…to help students who have been harassed, intimidated or bullied for resisting peer pressure to join the wave of protests against guns and the right to keep and bear arms.”
As Bearing Arms Notes, this is (sadly) necessary,”…because of the actions of some school administrators (National Walkout), the dividing line has been drawn. Now people know, and that makes it possible to single out students who hold the “wrong” opinions.
SAF Continues.
“A student’s First Amendment rights should not be violated because they support the Second Amendment,” said SAF founder and Executive Vice President Alan M. Gottlieb. “There have been several reports over the past couple of weeks about students who have been harassed or encountered other problems from students, teachers or administrators for not joining in the protests. If that’s happening, it isn’t right and should not be tolerated.
“Students can call the SAF toll-free hotline to obtain information about legal help and report violations of their First Amendment rights,” he added. “The foundation is prepared to take legal action if necessary.”
The SAF toll-free hotline number is 800-426-4302.
New Hampshire’s bullying rules/law is pretty clear about any sort of harassment that causes a student to act out. But if you find yourself the object of harassment for defending the second amendment, talk to parents, guardians, like-minded classmates, and when necessary a teacher or administrator who will be concerned for your plight.
On that last point, if you discover they are not, parents or students should make notes of those encounters after the fact. Names, dates, times, witnesses if any. You may find them very helpful should the situation escalate to the point where you need to call SAF yourself or for a student, in search of local legal help.