
Steve MacDonald

Michelle Obama Virtue SignalingRemember when Boko Haram kidnapped 300 school-girls and Michelle Obama was moved to pose for a photo holding a message that has since been shopped innumerable times (google Michelle Obama Boko haram photo) declaring #BringBackOurGirls.

This was virtue signaling at its finest. Hashtag justice.

But appearing to care when you live with the president of the most powerful nation on earth is Potemkin power. There’s no there, there. Not for the girls or their families. Although there is a rumor Mr. Obama called and asked if there were any good golf courses he could be seen on after pretending to talk to a local minister or functionary or something.

I made that up, but you almost believed it, right, which is part and parcel to the point.

The Progressive desire to capitalize on a problem far outweighs their interest in doing something because doing something must always direct or accumulate power in the hands of the state. Three-hundred kidnapped girls in Nigeria is a photo-op unless acting advances the progressive agenda.

Well, Boko Haram’s demise, reported somewhere by someone since then was premature as more than 100 more girls have recently gone missing. Which, is a problem, but only a preface to the point I’m looking to make.

No one on the political left will do anything about it any more than they’ll do anything about this.

Eight days ago The Sunday Mirror reported on “Britain’s ‘worst ever’ child grooming scandal.” The headline editor’s sub-quotes are most prudent: This is the “worst ever” at the time of writing, but who knows what’ll come along next week?

Britain, which has a spate of such “events” is top-heavy with social justice baggage and all-in on the multiculti immobility that comes with the glories of diversity before all other things.

As Mark Steyn notes, it’s not just the government that’s turned a blind eye. The media is ignoring it as well.

The BBC was so panicked by the mass sex-slavery of Shropshire children by Pakistani men that, as the German media did after the Cologne assaults, they chose not to cover it at all. It wasn’t on the BBC News homepage, or the BBC England homepage, or even the BBC Shropshire homepage – although in fairness, after 36 hours of negative online comments, someone from BBC Radio Shropshire managed to file a report on the subject that you’d be forgiven for not spotting because it got less prominence than a compilation called “My Telford”, the usual bit of feelgood community boosterism.

Inclusive Excellence, diversity, equity & Co., are not just enemies of your right to free speech or expression they inevitably make it impossible for the either the State or its complicit puppet media to even do their “job.” The result is an entire nation (in this case Britain) whose culture has evolved to a level where,

[T]he British constabulary are … grooming Britons to accept that the serial mass gang-rape of English girls is just a social phenomenon, part of the natural order – regrettable perhaps, but nothing to be done about it; and thus the mountain of human debris is merely a small price to pay for the benefits of vibrant diversity. Which means the real problem is these ghastly types boorish enough to draw attention to the sacrifice of English maidenhood to the volcano gods of multiculturalism.

I get that I “do go on quite a bit” about the assault on free speech but the multi-culti-diversity-equity-preferred-pronoun-pandering starts with the slightest breeze and ends when your media is incapable of reporting gang rapes of young girls for fear that the thought-police culture they enabled will come back to devour them. Or, more accurately, that it will make the political pals you are covering for look bad.

So what about the girls?

The girls aren’t talking for fear that their families will be destroyed by the beasts who rape them.

Welcome to the new world order.

And you can’t say I’m making it all up because Europe has been the pilot program, the laboratory for a diversity experiment gone horribly wrong. Not all cultures are equal, and the next time a progressive tells you otherwise ask them about Telford or Rotherham or Rochdale or Oxford, or Germany, Sweden, and on, and on.

Why would we want that here? We don’t.

But the open borders crowd has (at least) two things in common. First, they call you names for daring to suggest that western culture is better, (as opposed to gang rape?). Then, to prove you wrong, they ignore all the evidence that proves you right and call you more names for bringing it up. All because the big progressive picture requires that we break old institutions. Like the backward prudish prohibition against gang rape?

And it’s not just children under assault. The women of Cologne, Germany are still advised to stay in at night or travel in groups. That’s what happens when you don’t stand up for your own culture.

How do we contrast that against the progressive claim (at least in America) that they are fighting for women’s health care? Sure, if by that you mean killing them in the womb, so they don’t live long enough to suffer repeated harms and injustice from all of the left’s other political priorities?

And yet somehow Republicans are the ones who hate women.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of GraniteGrok.com, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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