Ellen Kolb, reporting at Leaven for the Loaf, has an update on how Life Bills fared in the New Hampshire House. Lousy. HB1680, which would prohibit the termination of a viable fetus, which no majority of Democrats would ever vote for under pain of punishment from the party inquisitors still failed to advance despite a majority of ‘Registered Republicans.”
To their credit, there were three Democrats that voted against the motion to table the bill.
Rep. | Party | County | District | Vote |
Berube, Roger | Democrat | Strafford | 18 | Nay |
Martineau, Jesse | Democrat | Hillsborough | 42 | Nay |
Shaw, Barbara | Democrat | Hillsborough | 16 | Nay |
On the other side, 21 Republicans and a Libertarian voted in favor of ending HB1680’s legislative life and by extension, abandoned viable babies.
Rep. | Party | County | District | Vote |
Chase, Francis | Republican | Rockingham | 20 | Yea |
Christensen, Chris | Republican | Hillsborough | 21 | Yea |
Crawford, Karel | Republican | Carroll | 4 | Yea |
Darrow, Stephen | Republican | Grafton | 17 | Yea |
Gargasz, Carolyn | Republican | Hillsborough | 27 | Yea |
Graham, John | Republican | Hillsborough | 7 | Yea |
Grenier, James | Republican | Sullivan | 7 | Yea |
Ham, Bonnie | Republican | Grafton | 5 | Yea |
Hansen, Peter | Republican | Hillsborough | 22 | Yea |
Hennessey, Erin | Republican | Grafton | 1 | Yea |
Katsakiores, Phyllis | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
Lewicke, John | Republican | Hillsborough | 26 | Yea |
McKinney, Betsy | Republican | Rockingham | 5 | Yea |
Ober, Russell | Republican | Hillsborough | 37 | Yea |
Proulx, Mark | Republican | Hillsborough | 44 | Yea |
Prout, Andrew | Republican | Hillsborough | 37 | Yea |
Rollins, Skip | Republican | Sullivan | 6 | Yea |
Sapareto, Frank | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
Stallcop, Joseph | Libertarian | Cheshire | 4 | Yea |
Sterling, Franklin | Republican | Cheshire | 14 | Yea |
Theberge, Robert | Republican | Coos | 3 | Yea |
Willis, Brenda | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
The Committee recommendation was ought to pass and had 4 of these registered Republicans voted like Republicans the motion to table would have failed and all things being equal the bill would have passed and proceeded to the State Senate. And maybe we could have made a few more phone calls or written a few more emails?
What about Your Life?
As many of you are aware we have a serious issue with Democrats registered as Republicans and Democrats winning in heavily Republican districts.
The solution is to primary bad candidates with good ones (and to run good Republicans in districts Democrats should not be winning) which is what the 603 Alliance is trying to do. And then, to get Republicans to show up and vote for these. It helps to have candidates and messaging that motivates them.
We all can play a part in the latter. And with Democrats motivated by hate, we all need to pitch in to get people to defend our hard-won victories on taxes, regulatory reform, and individual liberty. They could all be swept away if Republicans lose in November. So, build a platform based on extending economic victories for working families. Include reforms to the tragedy of government interference in Health Care that is taxing incomes in ways people don’t even want to believe.
Talk about how getting government out of your way so that you can make more decisions based on your spending priorities instead of having that right denied you by the taxes and regulations preferred by the left.
Democrats have nothing but “hate Trump”, Republicans are white supremacists, and all the motivation their anger brings, which is a lot. Negative works. But voters prefer to hear about the future. A bright economic future. One where (and this is important) Republicans will work to expand on their pocketbook victories (tell them how) while Democrats want to roll them all back (tell them why).
Here’s the language in HB1680 and a complete list of who voted to end its life in the legislative womb, which is (more or less) what happened to all the life bills up for consideration this past week.
AN ACT relative to abortions after viability.
Be it Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court convened:
1 Statement of Finding. The general court finds that it is the purpose of the state of New Hampshire to assert a compelling state interest in protecting the lives of viable unborn fetuses.
2 New Chapter; Viable Fetus Protection Act. Amend RSA by inserting after chapter 132-A the following new chapter:
132-B:1 Title. This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “viable fetus protection act.”
132-B:2 Definitions. In this chapter:
I. “Abortion” means the use or prescription of any instrument, medicine, drug, or any other substance or device intentionally to terminate the pregnancy of a female known to be pregnant with an intention other than to increase the probability of a live birth, to preserve the life or health of the child after live birth, or to remove an ectopic pregnancy or the products from a spontaneous miscarriage.
II. “Viability” means the point in pregnancy when, in the good faith medical judgment of a physician, there is reasonable likelihood of the fetus’ sustained survival outside the uterus without the application of extraordinary medical measures.
132-B:3 Abortion After Viability Prohibited; Exception.
I. The determination of viability shall be solely that of the treating physician after consultation with and examination of the pregnant woman.
II. No abortion shall be performed upon a pregnant woman after viability of the fetus except in the event of a medical emergency as defined in RSA 132:32, VIII, in cases of Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome, or to remove a fetus with severe anomalies incompatible with life.
III. The physician, when performing an abortion to preserve the life or health of the pregnant woman, shall make every effort to preserve the life of the viable fetus.
IV. All post-viability abortions shall be performed by a physician licensed pursuant to RSA 329.
132-B:4 Disciplinary Action. Any physician who performs an abortion in violation of this chapter shall be subject to disciplinary action under RSA 329.
3 Effective Date. This act shall take effect January 1, 2019.
Rep. | Party | County | District | Vote |
Abbott, Michael | Democrat | Cheshire | 1 | Yea |
Abel, Richard | Democrat | Grafton | 13 | Yea |
Almy, Susan | Democrat | Grafton | 13 | Yea |
Altschiller, Debra | Democrat | Rockingham | 19 | Yea |
Ames, Richard | Democrat | Cheshire | 9 | Yea |
Backus, Robert | Democrat | Hillsborough | 19 | Yea |
Baroody, Benjamin | Democrat | Hillsborough | 43 | Yea |
Bartlett, Christy | Democrat | Merrimack | 19 | Yea |
Beaulieu, Jane | Democrat | Hillsborough | 45 | Yea |
Bennett, Travis | Democrat | Grafton | 8 | Yea |
Berch, Paul | Democrat | Cheshire | 1 | Yea |
Berrien, Skip | Democrat | Rockingham | 18 | Yea |
Bixby, Peter | Democrat | Strafford | 17 | Yea |
Bordenet, John | Democrat | Cheshire | 5 | Yea |
Bouldin, Amanda | Democrat | Hillsborough | 12 | Yea |
Buco, Thomas | Democrat | Carroll | 2 | Yea |
Burridge, Delmar | Democrat | Cheshire | 16 | Yea |
Burton, Wayne | Democrat | Strafford | 6 | Yea |
Butler, Edward | Democrat | Carroll | 7 | Yea |
Cahill, Michael | Democrat | Rockingham | 17 | Yea |
Cali-Pitts, Jacqueline | Democrat | Rockingham | 30 | Yea |
Campion, Polly | Democrat | Grafton | 12 | Yea |
Carson, Clyde | Democrat | Merrimack | 7 | Yea |
Chandley, Shannon | Democrat | Hillsborough | 22 | Yea |
Chase, Francis | Republican | Rockingham | 20 | Yea |
Christensen, Chris | Republican | Hillsborough | 21 | Yea |
Cilley, Jacalyn | Democrat | Strafford | 4 | Yea |
Cleaver, Skip | Democrat | Hillsborough | 35 | Yea |
Cloutier, John | Democrat | Sullivan | 10 | Yea |
Conley, Casey | Democrat | Strafford | 13 | Yea |
Connors, Erika | Democrat | Hillsborough | 15 | Yea |
Cornell, Patricia | Democrat | Hillsborough | 18 | Yea |
Crawford, Karel | Republican | Carroll | 4 | Yea |
Cushing, Robert Renny | Democrat | Rockingham | 21 | Yea |
Darrow, Stephen | Republican | Grafton | 17 | Yea |
DesMarais, Edith | Democrat | Carroll | 6 | Yea |
DiLorenzo, Charlotte | Democrat | Rockingham | 17 | Yea |
DiSilvestro, Linda | Democrat | Hillsborough | 9 | Yea |
Doherty, David | Democrat | Merrimack | 20 | Yea |
Dontonville, Roger | Democrat | Grafton | 10 | Yea |
Eaton, Daniel | Democrat | Cheshire | 3 | Yea |
Edgar, Michael | Democrat | Rockingham | 21 | Yea |
Elber, Joel | Democrat | Hillsborough | 19 | Yea |
Ellis, Donna | Democrat | Strafford | 8 | Yea |
Farnham, Betsey | Democrat | Rockingham | 18 | Yea |
Faulkner, Barry | Democrat | Cheshire | 12 | Yea |
Fenton, Donovan | Democrat | Cheshire | 8 | Yea |
Fontneau, Timothy | Democrat | Strafford | 7 | Yea |
Francese, Paula | Democrat | Rockingham | 18 | Yea |
Frost, Sherry | Democrat | Strafford | 16 | Yea |
Gagnon, Raymond | Democrat | Sullivan | 5 | Yea |
Gargasz, Carolyn | Republican | Hillsborough | 27 | Yea |
Gidge, Kenneth | Democrat | Hillsborough | 33 | Yea |
Gile, Mary | Democrat | Merrimack | 27 | Yea |
Gordon, Pamela | Democrat | Rockingham | 29 | Yea |
Gottling, Suzanne | Democrat | Sullivan | 2 | Yea |
Gourgue, Amanda | Democrat | Strafford | 25 | Yea |
Graham, John | Republican | Hillsborough | 7 | Yea |
Grassie, Chuck | Democrat | Strafford | 11 | Yea |
Grenier, James | Republican | Sullivan | 7 | Yea |
Ham, Bonnie | Republican | Grafton | 5 | Yea |
Hansen, Peter | Republican | Hillsborough | 22 | Yea |
Harvey, Cathryn | Democrat | Cheshire | 1 | Yea |
Harvey, Suzanne | Democrat | Hillsborough | 29 | Yea |
Heath, Mary | Democrat | Hillsborough | 14 | Yea |
Henle, Paul | Democrat | Merrimack | 12 | Yea |
Hennessey, Erin | Republican | Grafton | 1 | Yea |
Herbert, Christopher | Democrat | Hillsborough | 43 | Yea |
Higgins, Patricia | Democrat | Grafton | 12 | Yea |
Horrigan, Timothy | Democrat | Strafford | 6 | Yea |
Irwin, Virginia | Democrat | Sullivan | 6 | Yea |
Jack, Martin | Democrat | Hillsborough | 36 | Yea |
Jeudy, Jean | Democrat | Hillsborough | 10 | Yea |
Johnsen, Gladys | Democrat | Cheshire | 7 | Yea |
Josephson, Timothy | Democrat | Grafton | 11 | Yea |
Katsakiores, Phyllis | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
Keane, Amelia | Democrat | Hillsborough | 31 | Yea |
Keans, Sandra | Democrat | Strafford | 23 | Yea |
Kenison, Linda | Democrat | Merrimack | 15 | Yea |
King, Mark | Democrat | Hillsborough | 33 | Yea |
Klee, Patricia | Democrat | Hillsborough | 30 | Yea |
Knirk, Jerry | Democrat | Carroll | 3 | Yea |
Krans, Hamilton | Democrat | Strafford | 14 | Yea |
Laflamme, Larry | Democrat | Coos | 3 | Yea |
Le, Tamara | Democrat | Rockingham | 31 | Yea |
Leishman, Peter | Democrat | Hillsborough | 24 | Yea |
Lerner, Kari | Democrat | Rockingham | 4 | Yea |
Lewicke, John | Republican | Hillsborough | 26 | Yea |
Ley, Douglas | Democrat | Cheshire | 9 | Yea |
Lisle, David | Democrat | Hillsborough | 35 | Yea |
Lovejoy, Patricia | Democrat | Rockingham | 36 | Yea |
Luneau, David | Democrat | Merrimack | 10 | Yea |
MacKay, James | Democrat | Merrimack | 14 | Yea |
MacKenzie, Mark | Democrat | Hillsborough | 17 | Yea |
Maes, Kevin | Democrat | Grafton | 6 | Yea |
Malloy, Dennis | Democrat | Rockingham | 23 | Yea |
Manley, Jonathan | Democrat | Hillsborough | 3 | Yea |
Mann, John | Democrat | Cheshire | 2 | Yea |
Martin, Joelle | Democrat | Hillsborough | 23 | Yea |
Massimilla, Linda | Democrat | Grafton | 1 | Yea |
McKinney, Betsy | Republican | Rockingham | 5 | Yea |
McNamara, Richard | Democrat | Hillsborough | 38 | Yea |
Meader, David | Democrat | Cheshire | 6 | Yea |
Messmer, Mindi | Democrat | Rockingham | 24 | Yea |
Moffett, Howard | Democrat | Merrimack | 9 | Yea |
Moynihan, Wayne | Democrat | Coos | 2 | Yea |
Mulligan, Mary Jane | Democrat | Grafton | 12 | Yea |
Murray, Kate | Democrat | Rockingham | 24 | Yea |
Myler, Mel | Democrat | Merrimack | 10 | Yea |
Newman, Sue | Democrat | Hillsborough | 29 | Yea |
Nordgren, Sharon | Democrat | Grafton | 12 | Yea |
Nutting, Allison | Democrat | Hillsborough | 34 | Yea |
O’Brien, Michael | Democrat | Hillsborough | 36 | Yea |
O’Leary, Richard | Democrat | Hillsborough | 13 | Yea |
Ober, Russell | Republican | Hillsborough | 37 | Yea |
Opderbecke, Linn | Democrat | Strafford | 15 | Yea |
Oxenham, Lee | Democrat | Sullivan | 1 | Yea |
Pantelakos, Laura | Democrat | Rockingham | 25 | Yea |
Parkhurst, Henry | Democrat | Cheshire | 13 | Yea |
Patten, Dick | Democrat | Merrimack | 17 | Yea |
Porter, Marjorie | Democrat | Hillsborough | 1 | Yea |
Proulx, Mark | Republican | Hillsborough | 44 | Yea |
Prout, Andrew | Republican | Hillsborough | 37 | Yea |
Rand, Steven | Democrat | Grafton | 8 | Yea |
Read, Ellen | Democrat | Rockingham | 17 | Yea |
Richards, Beth | Democrat | Merrimack | 13 | Yea |
Roberts, Carol | Democrat | Hillsborough | 4 | Yea |
Rodd, Beth | Democrat | Merrimack | 6 | Yea |
Rogers, Katherine | Democrat | Merrimack | 28 | Yea |
Rollins, Skip | Republican | Sullivan | 6 | Yea |
Rosenwald, Cindy | Democrat | Hillsborough | 30 | Yea |
Salloway, Jeffrey | Democrat | Strafford | 5 | Yea |
Sandler, Catt | Democrat | Strafford | 21 | Yea |
Sapareto, Frank | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
Schmidt, Janice | Democrat | Hillsborough | 28 | Yea |
Schmidt, Peter | Democrat | Strafford | 19 | Yea |
Schuett, Dianne | Democrat | Merrimack | 20 | Yea |
Schultz, Kristina | Democrat | Merrimack | 18 | Yea |
Shepardson, Marjorie | Democrat | Cheshire | 10 | Yea |
Shurtleff, Stephen | Democrat | Merrimack | 11 | Yea |
Smith, Marjorie | Democrat | Strafford | 6 | Yea |
Sofikitis, Catherine | Democrat | Hillsborough | 34 | Yea |
Somssich, Peter | Democrat | Rockingham | 27 | Yea |
Soucy, Timothy | Democrat | Merrimack | 16 | Yea |
Southworth, Thomas | Democrat | Strafford | 20 | Yea |
Spagnuolo, Philip | Democrat | Belknap | 3 | Yea |
Sprague, Dale | Democrat | Strafford | 18 | Yea |
Stallcop, Joseph | Libertarian | Cheshire | 4 | Yea |
Sterling, Franklin | Republican | Cheshire | 14 | Yea |
Sullivan, Brian | Democrat | Sullivan | 1 | Yea |
Sullivan, Daniel | Democrat | Hillsborough | 8 | Yea |
Sykes, George | Democrat | Grafton | 13 | Yea |
Tanner, Linda | Democrat | Sullivan | 9 | Yea |
Tatro, Bruce | Democrat | Cheshire | 15 | Yea |
Theberge, Robert | Republican | Coos | 3 | Yea |
Thomas, Yvonne | Democrat | Coos | 3 | Yea |
Tucker, Edith | Democrat | Coos | 5 | Yea |
Turcotte, Alan | Democrat | Merrimack | 22 | Yea |
Van Houten, Connie | Democrat | Hillsborough | 45 | Yea |
Vann, Ivy | Democrat | Hillsborough | 24 | Yea |
Vincent, Kenneth | Democrat | Strafford | 17 | Yea |
Wall, Janet | Democrat | Strafford | 6 | Yea |
Wallner, Mary Jane | Democrat | Merrimack | 10 | Yea |
Walz, Mary Beth | Democrat | Merrimack | 23 | Yea |
Ward, Gerald | Democrat | Rockingham | 28 | Yea |
Weber, Lucy | Democrat | Cheshire | 1 | Yea |
White, Andrew | Democrat | Grafton | 13 | Yea |
Williams, Kermit | Democrat | Hillsborough | 4 | Yea |
Willis, Brenda | Republican | Rockingham | 6 | Yea |
Woolpert, David | Democrat | Merrimack | 6 | Yea |