Is There A Price to Pay for Reaching Across the Cereal Aisle?

Steve MacDonald
Image: and Advertising

When confronted with people who do not believe as they do, Liberals screech, insult, intimidate, protest, boycott, threaten, and riot. Progressives use these tactics on individuals, groups, organizations, and corporations to advance their social issues agenda or to silence or punish opponents.

Take no prisoners. Resistance is futile. Never stop even after you get your way. This is how the minority party exerts a majority force even though most of the zip codes across the fruited plain lean the other way. We here at the Grok have been refusing to be cowed for over a decade and taken the fight to them at every opportunity. Some are suggesting that it is time for more of us to do the same, and take at least one page in particular out of the progressive playbook. 

(AoSHQ) How long are we going to play this game where we accept that left can organize boycotts against corporations to forceably (or even not-so-forceably) enlist them in the leftist army in the Culture War, but we are to act “principled” and do nothing as the left continues organizing every institution, media group, and corporation as bases of operation to destroy us?

Kellogg’s wants to be a part of their army — fine. They they are now Enemies and to be treated as such.

Don’t eat another damn thing made by these fascists.

As someone said — forget who, maybe Kurt Schlichter — Kellogg’s chiefly sells to parents buying cereal for their kids.

Does Kellogg’s really want to get into a #War with the part of the country that actually has children, siding with those that don’t?

That last bit (emphasis mine) is damning evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder. Kellogg, be it a pre-existing condition or the result of an infection passed to them by progressive pressure politics, has succumbed mental illness inherent in the embrace of progressivism and decided that they have a moral obligation to “s**t where their customers eat.”

Ace thinks we should make Kelloggs pay for taking sides (a price the folks in Battle Creek Mich. can’t afford). A position with which (it is safe to say) GraniteGrok agrees (here, and here).

There be hypocrisy in them thar moral hills, but the fun doesn’t end with Kellogg.

BuzzFeed is going after Chip and Joanna Gaines, the fun, lovable HGTV Fixer Uppers from Waco, Texas because their pastor does not support same-sex marriage.

(NRO) BuzzFeed has decided that the world needed an expose of the religious views of the pastor of Chip and Joanna Gaines, host of the Fixer Upper series on HGTV. And because the editorial team at Buzzfeed deems those mainstream traditional Christian views controversial, they concluded that the hosts must be hounded until they publicly express their views on the topic.

Jim Geraghty comes to their defense by turning the tables on Buzzfeed.

If this social-media-mob-stirring, guilt-by-association, drive-out-the-heretics philosophy is how the game is going to be played now… I’d like the folks at BuzzFeed to turn their attention to Imam Makram El-Amin, leader of Masjid Al-Nur mosque in Minneapolis.

DNC chair candidate Keith Ellison’s Imam opposes gay marriage and homosexuality because,

“It’s not within our paradigm, really, to change the word of God,” said Imam Makram El-Amin, leader of Masjid Al-Nur in Minneapolis. “Our religion is clear about this matter. It’s not a lifestyle that we accept as being part of the natural way of things for human beings. When it comes to that, that’s my position, and that’s Islam’s position.

New Hampshire Democrat Party Chairman Ray Buckley is openly gay. He is also running for the top spot at the Democrat National Committee along with Ellison. As a long time DNC vice chair, it is safe to say that he knows Ellison and that Ellison knows him. But Ray hasn’t, to my knowledge, said a word about how intolerant Keith’s Imam is or questioned the impact of the relationship between the Imam and Mr. Elison should he become the national party chairman.

As a long time DNC vice chair, it is safe to say that he knows Ellison and that Ellison knows him. But Ray hasn’t, to my knowledge, said a word about how intolerant Keith’s Imam is about his lifestyle or questioned the impact of the relationship between the Imam and Mr. Ellison should Keith become the national party chairman.

It also brings to the fore the problematic relationship Democrats have with Islam on women’s rights because for any ‘good Mulsim’ “It’s not within [their] paradigm, really, to change the word of God.”

Buzzfeed’s predictable hypocrisy has inspired Ace to call for an all-out boycott of Buzzfeed’s advertisers. Because as Jim and Ace have explained to us, “If this social-media-mob-stirring, guilt-by-association, drive-out-the-heretics philosophy is how the game is going to be played,”  “they are the enemies [and] should be treated as such.” 

You don’t have to appreciate the Trump victory to grasp that this inspiration could lead to a pivotal moment in history. A time when the rise of the progressive oceans began to slow, and our free market economy began to heal.

Some of that healing can come as a result of everyday American’s driving the left’s culture war back and out of every corner of our daily lives. But we have to want to send that message. To tell retailers, businesses, everyone, that if you choose to take up arms in the left’s social justice war, it comes with a price. And that while you are free to choose, so are we.


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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