You probably heard. Hillary’s email scandal is back on the front burner at the FBI. Turns out that while investigating Huma Abedin’s (soon to be former) hubby for his naughty habits they found things. Top Secret things.
Emails on Huma/Weiner hardware have given the FBI pause and reason to reopen their investigation. No, nothing will probably come of it, and it’s just as likely a more manageable distraction for the media given all the other Democrat evil linked to Hillary, but think about it. Mark Steyn has.
The reason for re-opening the investigation is that they stumbled across further Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s phone. The FBI is apparently investigating Mr Weiner and his spambot penis over his text messages toa 15-year-old girl.
Hillary has spent the last year successfully avoiding the snares of her husband’s sexual pathologies, only to step right into her closest confidante’s husband’s sexual pathologies.
Read all of Mark’s remarks, here. You won’t be disappointed unless you are a shill for Hillary.