The coarsening and devaluing of a formerly moral people – an observation

by Skip

Christian Cross

I maintain that the Progressives, with their “anything goes” pushing of a libertine life style and denigration of our Judeo-Christian type morality (for a null set of ever changing secular “There is no Higher Power to be accountable to” outlook on life).  But this low?

“In 2011, just 30 percent of them believed that “an elected official who commits an immoral act in their personal life can still behave ethically and fulfill their duties in their public and professional life.” Now 72 percent do.

(H/T: The Corner)

I guess Character is no longer an item even for Evangelicals – so much for being a “Light unto the world”. Adherence to Principle is the bulwark of Character; it seems that the relative morality that Progressives have pushed for a century has seemingly won out when the People of God simply go “meh?”. And always having to vote, so it seems, for “least worst” hasn’t helped.



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