Democrats refuse to acknowledge the 2nd largest Islamic Terrorist Act in U.S.

Kimberly Morin
Florida Imam called for gun control. Didn’t mention Islamic Extremism.

Yesterday the 2nd largest Islamic Terror attack took place on American soil. Omar Mateen, who called 911 and pledge his allegiance to ISIS before killing more innocent Americans, committed the biggest act of Islamic terror in the United States since 9/11. Disgustingly, Democrats, including Obama, have decided they will not address Islamic Extremism but would prefer to attack the 89,999,999 gun owners who didn’t harm anyone.

In what has got to be the most egregious display of intentional ignorance, these people are calling for more gun control against law-abiding citizens rather than addressing the serious issue of Islamic Extremism in this country. Rather than the discuss the real issue that is happening within our own borders, Democrats have decided to ignore it and blame gun owners.

Ironically, these are the people who pretend to support the gay community yet continue to ignore the routine murders of gays in Middle Eastern countries by Islamic Extremists. So now they have to decided to ignore that same Islamic extremism against gays within our own country. The people who are actually supposed to protect the country are ignoring the real reason there was an Islamic Terror attack again.

How many Islamic Terror attacks does there have to be until Democrats will call them what they are? How many Americans have to die before Democrats will address the severe issue of Islamic Extremism in the United States?

No, Democrats would rather blame Republicans, the NRA and the millions of gun owners who never harmed a single person. Democrats would rather ignore the real threat of Islamic Extremism in the United States because they prefer to push more gun control. Recall during the 9/11 Islamic Terror attack there were no firearms involved yet it was the largest Islamic Terror attack in United States history.

Senator Shaheen didn’t mention Islamic Extremism; Governor Maggie Hassan never mentioned Islamic Extremism; Representative Kuster came close butchose to leave out Islam and New Hampshire State Representative Katherine Rogers, who wants an all out ban on firearms, NEVER mentioned Islamic Extremism. Seems as though it’s top down talking points from the Obama Administration that Democrats need to blame gun owners rather than Islamic Extremism.

Rogers was completely disgusting as were other New Hampshire Democrats when they actually blamed Senator Ayotte for not trying to stop the violence. How absolutely abhorrent that this woman is a state representative. Democrats like Rogers should be looking at the Obama Administration for not preventing Islamic Terror attacks.

There have been multiple Islamic Terror attacks on this country since 2009. Recall Obama wouldn’t even call the Fort Hood Islamic Terror attack ‘Islamic Extremism,’ he called it ‘workplace violence.’ The left wants to protect Islamic Extremists for some disgusting reason rather than protecting Americans.

In some Middle Eastern countries where Islamic Extremism is rampant, gays are thrown off buildings; Christians are beheaded and women are stoned to death.The Islamic Extremist ‘Boston Bombers’ used pressure cookers to kill people. Democrats didn’t call for a ban on them. It’s not about the weapon used to murder people, it’s about the extreme Islamic ideology that drives these terrorists TO kill people. Democrats will never admit the truth.

They are now going to use the gay community to push for more gun control rather than protecting the gay community from Islamic Extremists. The left doesn’t care that Islamic Extremism is growing in the United States because they choose to willfully ignore it. Somehow Islamic Extremists have become a protected class to Democrats. It is one of the most despicable, anti-American and disgusting displays in modern history.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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