Everytown seeks to push New York-style gun control in New Hampshire

by Kimberly Morin


On Wednesday Michael Bloomberg’s Moms Demand and Everytown organizations gave a press conference in the Legislative Office Building. The presser was to oppose Constitutional Carry and to inform New Hampshire that they’ll be pushing New York-style gun control in the next session. The organizations are not New Hampshire grassroots as they claim but organizations that were put into place by billionaire hoplophobe Michael Bloomberg who is from New York City.

Everytown also provided a worksheet that shows they know absolutely nothing about the legislation that was passed by both the house and the senate. They claim that House Bill 582 and Senate bill 336 will allow people with “violent criminal histories to carry concealed, loaded guns in public.” This is abhorrently false. The only people who are allowed to carry at all are those who are legally able to possess and purchase firearms according to state and federal law. But gun control addicts never let facts get in the way of their fearmongering.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJDIfQyOJDg]

What these pieces of legislation actually do is end almost 100 years of government abuse against New Hampshire citizens. The New Hampshire Department of Safety finally admitted recently that citizens are indeed abused by these laws. Apparently Everytown and Moms Demand along with Governor Hassan and their money bags Michael Bloomberg, believe that women who are abused by the government isn’t something to be concerned with. For all of their pretend care for women, they certainly continue to victimize women.

During the press release there were several ridiculous statements made, including the lie that Moms Demand is grassroots. Moms Demand is another failed gun control effort by New York City’s Michael Bloomberg along with Mayors Against Illegal Guns and his latest attempt to push gun control, Everytown. A couple of known gun control addicts from the state legislature also made comments:

  • Representative Cushing spoke about his personal family tragedy and rather than actually blaming the perpetrator of such violence, he blamed the firearm.
  • Representative Rogers informed everyone that she is going to push for Bloomberg’s New York-style gun control next session. She’s been pushed many outrageous gun control bills last session that were handily “shot down” by the committee and then legislature.

This all comes after it was discovered that a lobbyist firm, the Dupont Group, is taking out-of-state money from New York’s based Everytown to push gun control in the state. The few members of Moms Demand couldn’t make a dent in New Hampshire’s gun laws, even with green-haired quacks like Katherine Rogers helping them so Bloomberg figured he’s start investing some cash into his cows.

The end result of what Everytown and others in the gun control lobby want is an outright gun ban as discovered during an interview with an Everytown representative last year. Michael Bloomberg and his paid lackeys are waging a war on New Hampshire citizens with their New York-style gun control despite the majority of Granite Staters pushing against more gun control and pushing for Constitutional Carry. These people not only refuse to end the abuse against citizens that is occurring but wish to inflict more abuse upon them with their draconian laws.


  • Kimberly Morin

    Kimberly Morin is a political activist in the Granite State. She is a lifelong Independent who calls out both sides of the aisle when they screw up. She's a weekly guest on the nationally syndicated radio show, Real Side with Joe Messina, and a frequent flyer on The Independence Gang.

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