Governor Hassan added her name to the list of Governor’s seeking greater assurance that Syrian refugees are thoroughly vetted. (which we know is virtually impossible.) Put more simply, Uncle Sam, no thank you, until you can provide assurances.
Republicans that share that stance, in the liturgy of the left, must be labeled xenophobic, discriminatory, uncompassionate, bigots by the ideological jackals on the left, especially here in the Granite State; but what of Gov. Maggie Hassan?
While national progressive voices have expressed concern at Maggie’s position the NH Democrat party is silent. Miscellany Blue is silent.
Progressive Susan “I heart Socialism” Bruce, who is not shy about comparing opposition to refugee resettlement to xenophobia and bigotry has not–that I can find–said a word regarding Governor Hassan’s stand.
As of this writing, several days in to the announcement by Hassan, they are all eerily silent.
This is odd because if you dare stumble past the Stygian gloom into her internet lair, or read her ranting at Miscellany Blue Hoo Hoo, she likes to explain the difference between immigration and refugee. Refugees are fleeing violence or political oppression, like the Tsarnaev family. They came to America as political refugees only to become famous (after years living large on the redistributive compassion of progressive policies advocated for and vehemently defended by the likes of Susan “I heart Socialism” Bruce) as the Boston Marathon Bombers.
What’s the phrase? ‘If it only saves one life?’
I’m sure you could have made the case back then that refusing 8 year old Dzhokhar entry in to the US would have been inhumane or bigoted or racist or gosh darn it, just plain un-American. But tell that to the dead, the wounded, the handicapped, and the terrorized, including their families.
I bet if you polled them they’d lean toward holding off the duck boat parade for any more new Americans from Muslim countries filled with people who parade up and down the Muslim street every time an American is killed by someone associated with the “Religion of Peace™.”
Bigots. Xenophobes. Democrat Maggie Hassan.
The silence must be….How hard is it to not bash New Hampshire Republicans expressing an identical idea as Gubbnuh Hassan because it might draw negative attention to her identical stance? Does it itch, burn, are you liberals losing sleep at night? No, I actually don’t care about any of that but I am amused at the hypocrisy of silence. Not surprised, amused. You amuse me, like a wind up monkey with symbols.
And we know who winds you. And we know you are talking about Syrian refugees just not your own beloved Democrat governors stand on those Syrians.
So what’s it going to be?
Are the needs of “children and families fleeing war and violence” a universal concern? Are you not outraged that your Democrat governor has taken up with the opposition?
Or is your umbrage magically diminished because the party has told you to button your lip while Gov. Maggie plays her hand as the moderate in search of political capital for the 2016 election? Are you less the progressive warrior and more the apparatchik for a national party narrative that tolerates dissenters when they need it to lie to win an election?
And not that we took any of you seriously before this “time-out” NH Dem Party chair Ray Buckley has you on (Brought to you by New and Improved False Outrage!), but this could seriously damage your ideological credibility with the public moving forward. The next time you need to attack Republicans on this issue what the hell are you going to do? Pretend you never gave Maggie a pass?
That’s exactly what you are going to do and we can’t wait for that to happen.