There is ONE good thing about Hassan’s veto of the budget

by Skip

Government ShutdownShe did what the Republicans in both the House and Senate refused to do:

Hassan vetoes budget; will sign 6-month spending plan

Democratic Gov. Maggie Hassan officially vetoed the $11.3 billion state budget Thursday morning, setting the stage for several more months of partisan debate over the state’s next two-year spending plan.

…Hassan will soon sign a six-month temporary funding resolution that will keep government running at existing spending levels while lawmakers hammer out a new budget compromise. The current $10.7 billion state budget is set to expire June 30.

You get that?  Maggie Hassan will now only be allowed to spend at this year’s budget.  NO INCREASE.  Not a single dime more.  Not one thin penny.  And this Democrat did this to Government?  Heavens above!  She’s going to spend at the same rate.  And she did it to herself – willingly signing that fiscally limiting veto.  Yet, the Republican Party is supposed to be the Party of smaller government.  Well, even with a veto to spend the same (until she gets all that she wants), I still see a $600 million rise from this session to the next in the Republican budget – that is NOT smaller government.

But Skip, it is LESS than what Hassan wanted – can’t you give them a break?

Why should I?  Either you stand for something or you stand for nothing.  Are we, yet again, going to see what played out in DC happen here in Concord?  Where the Republicans hold the purse strings but get rolled by and Democrat corner office holder?  Because COMPROMISE?

A lot of grassroot activists put those Republicans in those seats, with a message of no more Progressivism – no more spending and no more growing government.  Yet, they went ahead and did it – just a bit less larger.  If the Republicans go ahead and cave, what is the message they send back to the grassroots?  It will prove one and only one thing – and we will be fully justified in using the term they hate:

Junior Democrats

I no longer wish to use “Democrat-Lite” – that’s too nice a phrase (even as the squishy and moderate Republicans, those whose actual voting records are sometimes outshined by what used to be called Blue-Dog Democrats: socially liberal but fiscally responsible (are you getting where I’m going, in part?) hate that too.  The phrase that these Republicans also hate is that of “Elect us – we’ll spend a little less but manage it better than the Democrats“.  Sure, I get lots of blowback when I or the other Groksters bring this phrase up. So why do we use it

Because it IS what they do.  We at GraniteGrok don’t listen to their words – only their actions and their records for often their words mean absolutely nothing at all (right, Jeb Bradley?).  The actions no longer match the words.  Or worse, they don’t care because they COUNT on LIVs only seeing the R after they name.  So actions and words mean nothing in keeping their butts in those seats.

“Little difference between the two”.  They hate that too, but that’s THEIR fault because of THEIR actions and because of THEIR results.  In 2014, Republican voters were both angry and scared – angry in what and where they saw our country and State were going and scared that it wasn’t going to stop.  So they rose up in large numbers and took back the House and took back the Senate.

Just to see that the Republicans not hewing to the Principles that they represent but acting like Junior Democrats – not as big as Democrats but diminutive.

Both sides have largely dug in, making it unclear where they will find compromise.

Nice to see the the Rs see it more important to compromise with the Democrats and just disregard their Principles.

And I should vote for them….again?

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