Why Do They Believe We Are All Criminals ?

Steve MacDonald

holstered-gun1In New Hampshire, only criminals get to carry concealed firearms without permission, giving them a significant force advantage over women, the elderly, the handicapped, gays, minorities, everyone.

Given this advantage, if they were going to testify at a hearing on Constitutional carry–there happens to be just such a hearing this Thursday–would the criminal encourage equality of force for law-abiding citizens or would they testify against it?  Would they encourage a level playing field or fight to keep their advantage?

I would question the true intentions of those who testify against force-equality for law-abiding citizens.

And ask them what is wrong with Vermont?

In Vermont law-abiding citizens don’t need to ask permission from some other human being to carry a concealed firearm. Why?  Law-biding citizens are viewed by default as decent, caring people, who are interested in looking out for each other and in maintaining the peace.

Opponents to such common sense policy can not share this view.  These legislators and activists hold the default position that you cannot be trusted.  That we are all criminals one-twig-snap away from destabilizing their corner of civil society.

Ask them if the company they keep is responsible for this worldview?  What is it about themselves or those around them that foster such distrust of their fellow man (woman, or person of unspecified gender)?  Why do they believe we are criminals first?  Have they considered seeking out a different group to call their peers or are they trapped by their own fear of their fellow man (woman, or person of unspecified gender)?

It is a view that has no basis in fact and no data to support it.  An armed populace is a peaceful one.  The FBI statistics bear this out.  States and cities that allow private citizens the choice to carry a concealed firearm have significantly lower crime rates than states that limit or prohibit the practice.  Anyone who ignores or opposes that reality should be questioned about their true motivations because public safety clearly has nothing to do with their desire to keep you defenseless.

Tyrants, petty or otherwise, fear an armed populace.

SB116 would allow law-abiding citizens the choice of carrying a concealed and loaded firearm (the only kind worth carrying if you ever need to defend yourself) without having another human beings bureaucratic bias applied arbitrarily to your constitutional right to self-defense.



  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, award-winning blogger, and a member of the Board of Directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor, Executive Editor, assistant editor, Editor, content curator, complaint department, Op-ed editor, gatekeeper (most likely to miss typos because he has no editor), and contributor at GraniteGrok.com. Steve is also a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, The Republican Volunteer Coalition, has worked for or with many state and local campaigns and grassroots groups, and is a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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