Citizens for a Strong NH has some new video (after the jump) in which Congressperson Carol Shea-Porter says she supports an all of the above energy plan, then explains why (despite that) she still opposes the Keystone XL Pipeline.
1) It’s From Canada.
2) The Koch Brothers.
Somewhere a village is missing its idiot.
If ever you needed an example of just how ignorant, disconnected from reality, and partisan Democrat Carol Shea-Porter is, this is it, and here’s why.
1. The Koch brothers actually oppose the Keystone Pipeline. It in no way benefits their interests, and in fact, works against their interests. It could cost them billions. Which is why they have made no investments in it. None. (See here, and here)
2. Without Keystone, for longer than Carol Shea-Porter has been heading down to DC to be a Democrat Party House rep to New Hampshire, Canada has been one of our biggest importers of oil. They provide, on average, 2.2 billion barrels of it a day, accounting for almost one-third of all the oil we import.
This is your representative to the US congress, for at least a few more weeks.
Now….maybe she has a plan to replace a third of our crude imports with wind or solar or the sparkles from rainbows. I know, she’ll say we can empty the strategic reserves–a favorite dumb-ass-Democrat talking point. Or? Maybe she plans to look to some of our four other major oil suppliers instead, like Russia, Venezuela, Mexico, or Saudi Arabia?
I’m no congressperson but of all of these, Canada is the most friendly, least dangerous, and least likely to want to kill our citizens or blow up our country. It’s also the only democracy, has the best record on human rights, (even social justice), including how it treats women, children, people of color, and gays.
3. With Keystone, construction would create thousands of jobs. Union jobs. It would also create thousands of other jobs to meet the new demand created by the thousands of union jobs. It would reduce unemployment, create economic growth, and generate tax revenue for the states and the nation. It would also put refiners to work (more jobs) and by all accounts we would benefit from the increase in crude oil as it lowers the cost of motor-fuel, heating fuels, the cost of goods and services all over the country (by reducing transportation, energy, storage, and material costs), savings that (nationally) could free up billions that could go into jobs and the economy, and….tax coffers.
But no. Carol Shea-Porter’s ‘all of the above energy plan’ cannot include (more) oil from our friendly, non-threatening neighbor Canada, because “it’s Canada,” and….because of two guys who not only have no investment or interest in the keystone pipeline, but who actually benefit from Carol’s opposition on the issue.
This is partisan ideology, partisan ignorance, a “she is embarrassingly wrong on all of the above energy strategy” with real world consequences.
Like I said. Somewhere a village has lost its idiot. (And it’s not the first time.)
Here she is, in the Strong NH ad. Please, someone come and get her, and take her back to her village.